Prof Kithure Kindiki


July 17, 1972




Politician, Lawyer


Married to Joyce Kithure. They have two children.


Prof Kindiki is the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and Administration of National Government; @KindikiKithure

Latest articles on Prof Kithure Kindiki:

  1. Live Blog: Planned anti-government protest updates

    Anti-government protesters are preparing to 'shut down' and 'occupy' key locations in Nairobi's CBD and various towns across the country.

  2. Damaged parliament reopens amid public anger and protests

    The MPs are resuming sittings to a damaged Parliament by the anti-government protesters.

     Parliament Building
  3. ‘Tupatane Tuesday’: Youths plan new round of protests

    The protesters have also called on MPs to reject the cabinet nominees or face street action.

  4. Meru, Tharaka Nithi leaders urge Ruto to appoint Kindiki in next cabinet

    They say no other person from the region is qualified enough to replace Kindiki.

    Kithure Kindiki
  5. Full list of ministers President Ruto has sacked

    Only Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi was spared.

  6. PREMIUM Why IG Koome is under siege

    His apparent low profile during the protests has raised eyebrows and some have questioned whether he is still in charge.

    Japhet Koome
  7. Kenya on edge: Interior CS warns of more chaos as protests turn violent

    Kindiki has warned protesters planning more chaos and looting on Thursday and Sunday will firmly be dealt with.

    Kithure Kindiki
  8. Coast leaders slam Gachagua for attacking NIS boss Noordin Haji

    Leave Mr Haji alone and let him do his job. He is doing a good job

  9. No tear gas: How High Court has retrained police in anti-tax protests

    Saitabao Ole Kanchory pleaded with the court to stop the ''state-oppressive' policies.

  10. PREMIUM Crisis over Sh15 billion police insurance funds

    Treasury hasn't responded to the request for delayed disbursement of the insurance premiums.

    Alfred Mutua when he visited chief inspector of police David Karuri Maina
  11. PREMIUM Fire in the mountain: This is our problem with DP Gachagua, MPs say

    Several Mt Kenya MPs accuse DP Gachagua of 'intimidation and blackmail as supremacy battles intensify.

  12. Kindiki declares Monday a public holiday

    Idd-ul-Adha marks the end of Hajj, the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca.

  13. PREMIUM The men to lead Kenya police in Haiti

    The 1,000 police officers who will be travelling to Haiti are being picked from the three crack units.

     Noor Gabow.
  14. Samburu families displaced by banditry struggle for survival

    Locals want the government to resettle them and give them relief food.

  15. CS Kindiki targets juvenile gangs in Mombasa after viral video

    He said Kenya is a country of law and order and no one should commit crimes and get away with it.

    Prof Kindiki after flagging off the 2nd batch of 10 military Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC) at the Mombasa Port on Tuesday.
  16. PREMIUM Shuffle, sack or suspend: Ruto’s Cabinet conundrum

    In 2015, former President Uhuru Kenyatta caved under pressure and suspended six CSs.

  17. Ruto leads Kenyans in tree planting exercise

    He promised to have the country plant more than 250 million fruit trees.

  18. CS Kindiki says more people involved in Sniper's murder

    Five suspects are already in police custody.

    Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki
  19. 'Move now': State to families living downstream Kijabe railway line in Mai Mahiu

    Evacuation order follows accumulation of new water tunnels in Kijabe hills.

     Old Kijabe dam
  20. The return of Kenya Kwanza's 'Tower of Babel'

    A worrying trend has cast doubt on the much-heralded one-government approach championed by the regime.

    Cabinet meeting