1. PREMIUM Mathiu: Ruto’s skunk on Raila’s shoulder

    Kenya has some of the most serious economic problems in Africa. Top among them is debt

    President William Ruto
  2. PREMIUM Onyango-Obbo: Kenyan politics can kill you

    Ruto had been scratching Raila’s back and publicly supported his quest to be elected the next African Union Commission chairperson.

  3. PREMIUM Gaitho: Raila legacy hangs in the balance

    Raila stands to destroy a well-deserved legacy by getting into bed with President Ruto.

    Raila Odinga
  4. Sogomo: Act fast to fix the underfunding of public education institutions

    The Competency Based Curriculum requires much more teachers per school since it is technically oriented.

  5. PREMIUM Kang'ata: What KK regime should fear and not fear

    Fearing means threats that can torpedo government's popularity.

  6. PREMIUM Mutua: A rebellion against parents

    Part of the Gen Z tumult is a crisis of the soul, of identity.

    anti-government protests.
  7. PREMIUM Kagwanja: Elite power-sharing is a poisoned chalice for the opposition in Kenya

    Power-sharing is about the interests of the dominant power elite.

    William Ruto
  8. PREMIUM Guyo: President must be ready to uphold the constitution

    He cannot justify leading the country where his security agencies are let loose to intimidate, torture and kill innocent Kenyans.

    Anti-Finance Bill protests
  9. PREMIUM Shaw: Dangers of Kenya changing fast

    Most Kenyans of all ages are happily speaking their minds and not in hushed tones either.

    Nairobi Demos
  10. PREMIUM Muriithi: Proposed budget cuts are cynical and driven by anger

    The Strategic Policy Advisors will spend Sh2.25 million on tea, chapatis and sweet potatoes.

    Njuguna Ndung’u