1. Nyahururu prepares for upgrade to municipality

    Upgrading to a municipality comes with a basket of goodies, including infrastructure development and service delivery.

    Nyahururu town in Laikipia County
  2. Kirinyaga residents lynch man they suspect of killing a watchman

    Angry residents stormed the suspect's home at dawn, chased him out, and hacked him to death.

  3. Woman held over husband's death in house fire

    The house caught fire in mysterious circumstances around 2.45am.

    Hand cuffs
  4. Court revisits scene of slain student leader's death

    The student leader was shot a few metres from the farmhouse where a family was having lunch.

    Justice Patrick Jeremy Otieno
  5. Court stops Governor Kawira impeachment motion

    Governor Mwangaza claims the ouster motion is flawed and driven by malice from her political detractors.

    Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza.
  6. Kawira Mwangaza fights third impeachment bid in court

    She describes the series of impeachment motions as a witch-hunt without proper grounds.

    Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza.
  7. Was his life worth Sh50? Relatives allegedly kill Chuka man in row over bananas

    Locals in shock as Muigai becomes a statistic of crime in mindless attack.

    Crime scene
  8. PREMIUM Why Kawira impeachment motion might collapse

    Ten MCAs withdraw their support for the impeachment motion, terming it premature.

    Governor Kawira Mwangaza
  9. Cry of Murang'a granny: Gang burnt my son alive, forced me to lie on his ashes

    Ms Sasida Njeri, 75, says the gang dragged Mr Martin Kamau out of his house, lynched him and set his body on fire.

     Sasida Njeri
  10. Black spot: Deadly collision claims two lives

    Residents used axes to chop metal to free a survivor from one of the cars.

  11. Rat invasion threatens Kirinyaga's rice production

    The farmers lamented that even traps set in the rice nurseries don't help.

  12. PREMIUM Meet Makueni’s roaming surgeon to save mothers

    Unlike the norm, where serious cases are rushed to hospital, Dr Gatura does not wait; he goes to his patients.

    Joseph Gatura
  13. How climate change attracted unwanted guests to Ndaragua

    Giant rodents are invading farms and homes, a phenomenon not seen in years.

    Trapped rat
  14. PREMIUM Fourth impeachment: Will Governor Kawira survive this time round?

    The new ouster motion has been inspired by several factors including failed reconciliation between MCAs and the governor.

    Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza.
  15. Governor Mwangaza braces for fourth impeachment motion

    Nine residents petitioned President William Ruto to suspend the county

    Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza