1. Plunge of death: The tragedy of Dr Keith Makori

    Youthful medic declared suicidal plan to girlfriend, then fell eight floors down an apartment in Kikuyu

  2. DPP: Why I cannot prosecute police over protesters' deaths

    The files and reports from Ipoa cannot support charges against the killers of Rex Masai and three others, Ingonga says.

    Renson Mulele Ingonga
  3. PREMIUM Kiambu, Tatu City file parallel Sh4.3b bribery cases to EACC 

    Tatu City says Kimani Wamatangi demanded 54 acres.

    Tatu City
  4. Roaming pack of hyenas cause panic in Kitengela

    The hyenas have been cited roaming freely at night in the past two weeks.

  5. Truck carrying toxic sodium cyanide overturns in Kiambu

    Public Health PS Mary Muthoni says the incident has caused the highly toxic substance to spill in the area.

  6. Tension as over 2,000 squatters in Mlolongo face eviction threats

    The simmering land ownership dispute pits the squatters against the National Social Security Fund.

    Mlolongo Phase Four
  7. My eye is still bleeding, says man shot on Moi Avenue

    At KNH, he still had to wait for three hours to be taken to the theatre. All this time, he was still unconscious and bleeding.

  8. From hope to Kware horror: The tragic end of Roseline Akoth

    Her lower body had been chopped off at the waist.

    Kware deaths
  9. Kware deaths: Mystery deepens

    Locals exhibited scanty knowledge of the whereabouts of the man linked to their village, in Vihiga County

    Collins Jomaisu
  10. PREMIUM Kimathi Street: Epicentre of anti-Ruto protests

    Fueled by the heroic acts of the freedom fighter, not even police presence can slow the street’s growing stature as the epicentre of the anti-Ruto protests.

  11. Nairobi businesses close shop as anti-government protests erupt

    The protests, led by the Gen-Zs, erupted last month as public anger against the controversial Finance Bill, 2024 hit a boiling point.

  12. Suspected Kware serial killer arrested in Kayole, confesses to 42 murders

    He admitted to murdering 42 women, including his wife.

  13. How a knife-licking serial killer was nabbed

    The suspect stabbed Mr Baraka and licked the bloody knife before fleeing.

  14. PREMIUM Police theories on City Quarry deaths

    There are conflicting accounts of the number, with locals putting it at 15 and the police at 10.

    Kware dumpsite
  15. City quarry deaths: All officers at Kware police station transferred

    Acting IG Kanja says the officers were moved to give the police space to make a fair report.

    Douglas Kanja.