President William Ruto.
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'Tower of Babel': Why Cleophas Malala shocker is a tip of Ruto's UDA chaos

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From left:  DP Rigathi Gachagua, UDA Secretary General Cleophas Malala, Public Service CS Moses Kuria, Roads CS Kipchumba Murkomen, Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga, Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja, Kapsaret MP Oscar Sudi and President William Ruto.

Photo credit: Nation Media Group

President William Ruto’s United Democratic Alliance (UDA) is fast becoming another Tower of Babel as infightings similar to those that rocked the Jubilee Party of Uhuru Kenyatta escalated with top leaders going after each other’s jugular.

UDA Secretary General Cleophas Malala on Wednesday, May 29, fuelled the high-octane political implosion in the ruling party by calling for the resignation of Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen and his Public Service counterpart Moses Kuria over their alleged links to the ongoing attacks against Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.

Mr Malala also targeted Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga, Kapsaret MP Oscar Sudi and Githunguri MP Gathoni Wa Muchomba with disciplinary action for allegedly fomenting division within the party.

Apart from Mr Kahiga and Ms Wa Muchomba, the other leaders are perceived as close allies of President Ruto.

His surprise statement saw him come under a barrage of counter-attacks with some of the leaders now calling for his resignation. Some of the leaders accused Mr Malala of acting as a gun for hire by taking sides in the factional feud. His surprise statement appears to have targeted largely politicians allied to President Ruto, in what consequently placed him in DP Gachagua’s camp.

Power struggle

The escalating power struggle in the party mirrors those that preceded the crumbling of former President Kenyatta’s Jubilee, where some of the party officials allied to Mr Kenyatta could issue statements to read the riot act to some of then DP Ruto’s allies at the height of Jubilee fallout.

Malala to CSs Kuria and Murkomen: Resign if you want to continue politicking!

“It has come to my attention that some Cabinet Secretaries have been involving themselves in political activities, contrary to the law which requires them to remain apolitical. Moses Kuria, the Cabinet Secretary for Public Service, your primary responsibility is to serve the people within your docket. Should you wish to engage in politics, you are welcome to resign and join the political arena,” Mr Malala charged.

“Similarly, Kipchumba Murkomen, Cabinet Secretary for Roads and Transport, your focus should be on addressing the pressing issues in your ministry, particularly the reclamation of roads damaged by recent floods. Serve the Kenyan people or step down from your position and return to politics,” he said in the statement issued at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport immediately after landing from China.

Political attack

Mr Kuria has been critical of DP Gachagua, who is currently under political attack by some of President Ruto’s close allies.

Although he did not mention names, he was presumed to be referring to CS Murkomen and Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi.

“Some few politicians who are around the President want to meddle with Mt Kenya politics to fight me. Mt Kenya politics are so complicated and what we hate is betrayal.

"As Mt Kenya, we have never interfered with Rift Valley politics and we deserve respect,” the DP said in Uasin Gishu over the weekend. It was because President Uhuru betrayed him despite the mountain knowing very well that President Ruto had brought less votes to their win,” said Mr Gachagua.

On Wednesday, both Mr Murkomen and Mr Kuria dismissed Mr Malala's assertions.

Mr Murkomen told Nation that “as a CS, I don’t respond to political statements” while Mr Kuria said he would make a major announcement soon over UDA politics.

Mr Malala also accused Governor Kahiga, Mr Sudi and Ms Wa Muchomba of undermining the unity of the party while threatening disciplinary action. Mr Kahiga has turned out as one of Mr Gachagua’s fiercest defenders in the ongoing infighting while Ms Wamuchomba has turned into a critic of President Ruto’s administration over high taxation.

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Mr Sudi on Wednesday sought to belittle Mr Malala in response by describing him as an “elevated Member of County Assembly” while trying to compare him with former Jubilee Secretary-General Raphael Tuju. Mr Tuju was known for writing hard-hitting statements against then DP Ruto at his allies at the height of their falling-out with Mr Kenyatta in Jubilee Party.

Mr Kahiga on Tuesday told Nation that Dr Ruto risks losing the support of the region should he sideline Mr Gachagua in the running of government.

“If he does, he owes the mountain a solid explanation otherwise he risks losing the current support he enjoys. The feeble attempts at fighting DP Riggy G, will ultimately bring the mountain together and keep the mountain solidly behind him. Betrayal is sacrilegious for the mountain,” said Mr Kahiga.

In response to Mr Malala’s statement, the Nyeri county boss called for the ouster of the party Secretary General, insisting that Mr Gachagua has to be respected.

“Ag SG Malala in UDA is like a square peg in a round hole. He doesn't fit. I have said it before and I repeat. We must get rid of him in the coming UDA elections,” said Mr Kahiga.

“We have come from an era of being gagged and threatened for speaking our minds. UDA was never built on such tenets and the earlier our ANC acting SG in UDA understood that, the better for him. I have reviewed my statement many times and given the same circumstances, I would say exactly what I said then and say it in the same way,” said the county boss.

UDA founding chairman Johnson Muthama, now serving as Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC) member, said it was frustrating to see some leaders try to break that party that some of them worked tirelessly to build.

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“The Kenya Kwanza administration was formed on the foundation of national unity devoid of political deceit and President William Ruto, his deputy Rigathi Gachagua and other leaders came together for the sake of achieving it,” said Mr Muthama.

He went on, “As one of the leaders who worked tirelessly for the formation of this government, I believe our administration is still too young to have conspicuous cracks and in case there are some teething issues, let us use our internal mechanisms to iron them without exposing ourselves the way it has happened recently.”

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja – who has had a running tiff with Mr Gachagua –also joined the growing list of UDA leaders opposed to the second-in-command style of leadership.

Mr Sakaja told Mr Gachagua to stop antagonising the President. He accused the DP  of intimidating other leaders in the UDA fold.

“You cannot bully people for two years, and start crying just after being mentioned in one week,” said Mr Sakaja.

Respect the presidency

But UDA Organizing Secretary Vincent Musyoka and Nyaribari Chache MP Zaheer Jhanda called out leaders engaging in factional wars to cease and respect the presidency. The two said the fight in Jubilee started in the same manner and resulted in a trail of political casualties.

They said it was time for the President to call UDA leaders to order to end the infighting.

“Those of us who know how things started and ended up in the last administration would be hesitant to encourage what is going on in the party. The President should call the house to order because some may misconstrue his silence,” said Mr Musyoka, who is also the Mwala MP.

Mr Zaheer told UDA politicians to cease attacking Mr Gachagua and instead help the presidency to deliver for the people.

“I am puzzled how some UDA members can insult the DP President. People have to respect the office,” he said.

Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa accused Mr Malala of fuelling the split in the UDA. He said they will mobilise members to kick out Mr Malala from the position when the party convenes its National Delegates Convention towards the end of the year.

“That letter by Malala is hogwash. It does not heal but helps in dividing the party further. We are going to mobilise party members to have him kicked out when we conduct our elections later in the year,” said Mr Barasa.

-Additional reporting by Kevin Cheruiyot