DP accuses politicians in Rift Valley of plotting to divide Mt Kenya

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua speaks at Chepriret and Ngeria trading centres in Uasin Gishu County.

Photo credit: DPCS

What you need to know:

  • Gachagua questioned the source of funds of some Rift Valley politicians whom he claimed were full of political pride and were flying in helicopters everywhere when the majority of Kenyans were suffering.
  • He described his relationship with President Ruto as cordial and cautioned some Rift Valley politicians against courting chaos by turning the region into a theatre of meddling with the politics of other areas.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua Saturday accused unnamed Rift Valley politicians close to President William Ruto of orchestrating a scheme aimed at dividing the populous eight-million-vote Mt Kenya region with an eye on the 2032 succession politics.

The DP, who has been under fire for pushing for the “one man, one shilling, one vote” formula, said the Rift Valley politicians were using Mt Kenya MPs to fight him in what he termed as an act of betrayal.

“Some few politicians who are around the President want to meddle with Mt Kenya politics to fight me. Mt Kenya politics are so complicated and what we hate is betrayal.

"As Mt Kenya, we have never interfered with Rift Valley politics and we deserve respect,” said the DP while presiding over, a funds drive in Kesses, Uasin Gishu County, the home turf of President Ruto.

He questioned the source of funds of some Rift Valley politicians whom he claimed were full of political pride and were flying in helicopters everywhere when the majority of Kenyans were suffering.

“The Kenya Kwanza administration is only one and half years in power and I wonder why some politicians are scheming to inherit President Ruto when 2032 politics is still too far.

"As his principal assistant I have the responsibility of ensuring that President Ruto succeeds in his plans,” added Mr Gachagua.

He described his relationship with President Ruto as cordial and cautioned some Rift Valley politicians against courting chaos by turning the region into a theatre of meddling with the politics of other areas.

“As Mt Kenya, we have not meddled with Rift Valley politics and I am asking you to chart your own political path and let us assist the President deliver in his bottom-up development agenda,” added the DP.

He claimed some MPs were interfering with the affairs of their colleagues in a bid to gain political mileage.

“This act of political tourism by some MPs is causing confusion. What is your interest in interfering in somebody else constituency?” said Mr Gachagua who was flanked by over 20 MPs during the occasion.

Roads Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen expressed his support to President Ruto and Mr Gachagua in delivering in their mandate.

“I am ready to work with you and the President as a team. I do not want to be distracted by these other issues,” said Mr Murkomen.

The sentiments were shared by his Cooperative counterpart Simon Chelugui who said the President and his deputy require their support in delivering the Kenya Kwanza agenda.

Emurua Dikirr MP Johana Ng’eno and Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei said they will not allow a few individuals to cause divisions between President Ruto and his deputy.

“We have one president and his deputy. Gachagua sacrificed a lot in supporting President Ruto and we will not sit back and see him being undermined,” said Mr Ng’eno.

Eldama Ravine MP Musa Sirma said the President and his deputy deserve respect and cautioned their colleagues against divisive politics.