Kenya Kwanza implosion as Malala calls on Kuria, Murkomen to resign over attack on DP Gachagua

Malala to CSs Kuria and Murkomen: Resign if you want to continue politicking!

The political implosion in President William Ruto's administration escalated on Wednesday after his United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Secretary General Cleophas Malala made an unprecedented call for the resignation of Cabinet Secretaries involved in the current factional feud.

Mr Malala called on Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen and his Public Service counterpart Moses Kuria to resign if they were to engage in politics.

Mr Kuria has been critical of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, who is currently under political attack from some of President Ruto's close allies.

Mr Gachagua recently accused some of Dr Ruto's allies of fomenting dissent against him in Mt Kenya.

Trade Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria addresses journalists while flanked by his Transport counterpart Kipchumba Murkomen

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

Although he did not name names, he was believed to be referring to CS Murkomen and Kapsaret MP Oscar Sudi. Mr Murkomen later hit back at Mr Gachagua, saying he had no time for politics of hate.

“It has come to my attention that some Cabinet Secretaries have been involving themselves in political activities, contrary to the law which requires them to remain apolitical,” said Mr Malala in a statement.

Join the political arena

“Moses Kuria, the Cabinet Secretary for Public Service, Gender, and Affirmative Action, your primary responsibility is to serve the people within your docket. Should you wish to engage in politics, you are welcome to resign and join the political arena,” he said.

“Similarly, Hon. Kipchumba Murkomen, Cabinet Secretary for Roads and Transport, your focus should be on addressing the pressing issues in your ministry, particularly the reclamation of roads damaged by recent floods. Serve the Kenyan people or step down from your position and return to politics,” he added.

Mr Malala also warned of disciplinary action against politicians involved in the current factionalism in the ruling UDA party. He singled out Mr Sudi, Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga and Githunguri MP Gathoni Wa Muchomba.

He said the politicians' behaviour not only undermined the ruling party but also showed disrespect to the party's top leaders.

Desist from such actions

“Let this be a stern warning: desist from such actions with immediate effect. Should this behaviour persist, the party will take disciplinary action against you. Furthermore, I urge the young politicians within the UDA who have prematurely begun their campaigns for 2032 to halt these activities,” he said.

Mr Gachagua warned at the weekend that President Ruto's key allies from his Rift Valley backyard were being used to undermine him, and his allies now say they will no longer tolerate the siege of the DP.

“Some few politicians who are around the President want to meddle with Mt Kenya politics to fight me. Mt Kenya politics are so complicated and what we hate is betrayal. As Mt Kenya, we have never interfered with Rift Valley politics and we deserve respect,” the DP said in Uasin Gishu over the weekend.

Mr Kahiga told the Nation on Tuesday that Dr Ruto risks losing the support of the region if he sidelines the DP.

“If he does, he owes the mountain a solid explanation otherwise he risks losing the current support he enjoys,” the Governor said.

He said that "the feeble attempts to fight DP Riggy G will eventually bring the mountain together and keep the mountain solidly behind him".

'Betrayal is sacrilegious'

“Betrayal is sacrilegious for the mountain. This is the sole reason the mountain stood with President Ruto. It was because President Uhuru betrayed him despite the mountain knowing very well that President Ruto had brought less votes to their win,” the governor said.

Mr Sudi hit back at Mr Gachagua on Sunday, accusing him of playing tribal and divisive politics.

"You cannot control where I go. If we all stayed in our respective constituencies then we would not be in government. We had to fly all over the country to ask Kenyans to elect this government. I am not someone you can threaten. I have been threatened enough and this does not move me," Mr Sudi said.

"You know I got this thing from Ruto. He passed it to me because now he is concentrating on national matters. So I have to continue doing this in any part of the country," said the MP.