Gachagua dismisses talk of bad blood between him and President Ruto

Rigathi Gachagua

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua during an interdenominational church service and fundraiser at Matharu Primary School in Kesses Constituency, Uasin Gishu County on May 26, 2024.

Photo credit: Jared Nyataya | Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

  • On Saturday, Mr Gachagua told Rift Valley politicians to keep off Mt Kenya politics.
  • During stopovers at Matharu Market and Burnt Forest, the DP had one message.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has dismissed talk of bad blood between him and President William Ruto, saying he has a good working relationship with his boss.

Speaking on the third day of his visit to President Ruto’s Uasin Gishu backyard on Sunday, Mr Gachagua said his boss has given him more than enough assignments.

Mr Gachagua, who on Saturday told Rift Valley politicians to keep off Mt Kenya politics, termed his relationship with President Ruto as one geared towards fostering peace and unity in the entire country.

"Our focus now is to unite all Kenyans, especially those who were subjected to fear during the last general election. The previous regime instilled fear in you by forcing you not to vote for us,” he said at Matharu Primary School in Uasin Gishu County during a fundraising in aid of 15 churches from the area.

The Deputy President also appealed to all Kenyans to support the Kenya Kwanza government.

"I have been in this county for the last three days because of development and to thank you for supporting our government. Our main responsibility is to unite all Kenyans to spur development," Mr Gachagua said during a stopover at Burnt Forest market.

During stopovers at Matharu Market and Burnt Forest to address residents, the DP had one message.

“All is well and I am working together with President Ruto.”

During the fundraising at Matharu, a section of MPs in his company told off youthful MPs, whom they accused of lacking respect for the DP, by creating an impression that he has a frosty relationship with his boss.

The legislators claimed that politicians, who are meddling with Mt Kenya politics by targeting Mr Gachagua are cartels, who have amassed wealth within the shortest period in government and are using the same wealth to create the impression that they have the power to control Mt Kenya politics and shortchange the DP.

"A few cartels and politicians who have made a lot of wealth since we joined government, have bought posh cars and now they are making noise to poor Kenyans who have nothing in their pockets creating impressions that they have the power to change the landscape of Mt Kenya politics,” said former Laikipia Women Representative, Catherine Waruguru.

Ms Waruguru told the said politicians ‘to stop manipulating Kenyans with their wealth’, and instead allow poor Kenyans to develop themselves gradually under the Kenya Kwanza regime. 

“If you have acquired enough wealth to your satisfaction, thank God for the rest of us who have nothing. We will continue pushing the development wheel,” said Ms Waruguru.

She said the Mt Kenya region was fully behind the leadership of President Ruto and his deputy.

She told those meddling in Mt Kenya politics that they were playing with hot potatoes in their hands.

She warned against attacking the DP, insisting that the Mt Kenya region has sealed its support to Dr Ruto in the next General Election.

“The DP is firm in Mt Kenya and the region is 100 percent in support of President Ruto. In Mt Kenya, we are behind DP Gachagua 100 percent and those playing with mountain politics must remain silent, failure to which we are telling them mountain politics is hot,” said Ms Waruguru.

She warned that those attempting to disturb DP Gachagua would be shocked by the outcome of their attempt to interfere with mountain politics.

“My friends, mountain politics is hot, if you want to access the mountain be careful with us. Uhuru Kenyatta brought us Martha Karua and Azimio leader Raila Odinga, but we chose to stand with Gachagua. No one should mess with Gachagua," she said.

United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Nominated MP, Joseph Wainaina, echoed the sentiments, calling on youthful politicians to move slowly.

Mr Wainaina said they will soon request church leaders and elders to mediate between leaders who want to create disunity in the ruling party.

He challenged UDA leaders to come together to put their house in order and stop exposing their challenges to the public.

“We are going to try our level best to bring in church leaders and elders to help us rectify the situation for the future of our government under the leadership of President Ruto and his deputy,” said Mr Wainaina.

The DP’s fundraising at Matharu was only attended by area MP, Julius Rutto, out of the six Uasin Gishu MPs.

Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi, who was attending a different church fundraiser in the Ainabkoi Constituency, sent his contribution of Sh1m.