Kakamega MCA Stephen Maloba murder: Family says no justice, no burial

Stephen Maloba, the slain Kisa East MCA (in half jacket) with his supporters in an earlier event.

Photo credit: Shaban Makokha | Nation Media Group

The burial of slain Kisa East MCA Stephen Maloba has been postponed from April 22 to an unknown date by family members and a funeral committee citing the need to keep the case alive.

Maloba was stabbed to death on April 1, at a political event organised by Khwisero MP Christopher Aseka at Munjiti village in Kisa East Ward. 

A crowd accosted him as he headed to the meeting before one person stabbed him in the chest. He died at Mbale County Hospital in Vihiga County. 

Maloba’s death sparked attacks from villagers who stormed Mutsasa police post, chased away police officers, vandalised property and stole 124 bags of subsidised fertiliser belonging to the Kakamega County government. 

They then proceeded to the home of Kisa East chief Walter Mukungu and destroyed property of unknown value, including houses, which they set on fire. 

Following the murder, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations transferred several officers at the Khwisero sub-county criminal investigations office. 

On Thursday, Maloba’s widow, Rael Andeso, and funeral committee chairman Gabriel Erambo said the family decided to postpone the burial because they had been denied justice as some of the people who attacked Maloba were still going scot-free.

They accused the police of laxity in the investigation, saying this had given unwarranted liberty to some of the criminals.

A main suspect was arrested and presented in court. The police however, requested 14 days to complete investigations into the killing.

“We had decided to lay my husband to [rest] this Saturday but we realised that once we bury him that will mark the end of his case,” said Ms Andeso.

“Since some people suspected of attacking him are still walking free, we decided to push it ahead until we get justice.”

Ms Andeso said the family wants to see the suspects arraigned in court on Monday and that should this be the case, Maloba will be buried soon after.

Kakamega County Commissioner Joseph Ondego, who convened a security meeting in Kisa East, said security will be tight during the MCA's burial. He warned against the incitement of mourners into violence.

“We want a peaceful burial. Let us not cause any trouble that could lead to chaos at the burial,” Mr Ondego said.

He also cautioned families against engaging in retrogressive rites which include destruction of property in the home of the suspected assailants, saying such cultural activities had been overtaken by events.

“The law is very clear. Anyone who destroys property is held liable so let us refrain from acts of lawlessness even as we lay our MCA to [rest].”

He further urged the public to give the police time to investigate the killing, promising to arrest all those involved.