They know I’m winning: Wajackoyah dismisses opinion polls

Wajackoyah in Nanyuki.

Roots Party presidential candidate George Wajackoyah campaigns in Nanyuki town on August 4, 2022. He dismissed the recent opinion polls saying that he more popular since he commands support of the youth in the country. 

Photo credit: Joseph Kanyi | Nation Media Group

Roots Party presidential candidate George Wajackoyah has dismissed opinion polls that have put him a distant third after Raila Odinga of Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition and Kenya Kwanza’s William Ruto.

Speaking in Laikipia, Prof Wajackoyah poured water on his two percent rating, claiming it was a plot to rig the August 9 General Election.

“They know I’m going to win and that is the reason they have started rigging using manipulated opinions to deceive Kenyans,” he told a gathering in Nanyuki Town on Thursday.

He also dismissed Dr Ruto's bottom-up economic model, and Agano Party presidential candidate Mwaure Waihiga’s push to bring back money hidden in overseas accounts.

“How do you tell young people who have studied up to university level to take up wheelbarrows for their future?” He posed.

Roots Party presidential candidate George Wajackoyah campaigns in Nanyuki town

Presidential candidate George Wajackoyah campaigns in Nanyuki town.

Photo credit: Joseph Kanyi | Nation Media Group

On Mr Waihiga, he said: “Promising to bring back Kenya's money stashed overseas is not a solution to corruption.  The solution lies in executing those involved in theft of public resources”.

Prof Wajackoyah is on record saying he would expel ranchers who own thousands of acres of land and distribute the farms to the locals and have the government compensate locals for the years their land has been used by people of foreign descent, if he wins the Presidency.

Prof Wajackoyah also sold his ‘bhang manifesto’ claiming that growing the crop for export would drastically improve the economy and called on religious leaders to stop demonizing marijuana.

He stated that in other countries, bhang is grown for medicinal purposes and industrial use where it creates wealth and employment to the citizens.

“Stop Christianity hypocrisy. Bhang is a source of wealth even in our neighbouring countries like Uganda and even Rwanda has taken it up,” he said.

He said he is the only presidential candidate appreciated by all communities in Kenya without factoring his ethnic background.