I’ll not allow you to sabotage economy, Ruto warns Raila

President William Ruto in Isiolo

President William Ruto and Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua (second right) in Isiolo County yesterday when the Head of State commissioned the Isiolo town-LMD cabro paved road built by the national government.

Photo credit: Courtesy | PCS

What you need to know:

  • President Ruto says he’s only ready for talks on alleviating the biting hunger and addressing high youth unemployment.

President William Ruto has hit out at Azimio leader Raila Odinga over the nationwide demonstrations against the high cost of living, describing them as destructive to the economy his administration is working hard to turn around.

Assuring of the government’s commitment to protecting Kenyan’s lives and properties, Dr Ruto warned the ODM chief against plunging the country into chaos, saying those causing mayhem and destruction of property will face the full force of the law.

“We will not allow you to sabotage our economy using violence. Kenya is our only home and we must protect her by all means,” Dr Ruto said while commissioning Isiolo town-LMD cabro paved road built by the national government.

The six-kilometre road constructed by the Kenya Rural Roads Authority, cuts through Isiolo town and is comprised of three links including the Isiolo Airport-Mattercare Hospital (1.3 kilometres), Trojan-LMD Road (2.7km) and Catholic-IWASCO Water Kiosk covering two kilometres. It cost Sh319 million.

Accompanying the Head of State in the commissioning of the infrastructure was Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, Isiolo Governor Abdi Ibrahim Guyo and a host of MPs allied to Kenya Kwanza Alliance.

Ruling out the possibility of a power-sharing deal with the Opposition leader, the President said he was only ready for talks on how to alleviate biting hunger and address high unemployment among the youth.

“How will the protests and putting sufuria on your heads help bring down the cost of living?” he posed, citing the fertiliser subsidy programme among the State interventions that will help lower the high cost of living.

On his part, Mr Gachagua asked Mr Odinga to give President Ruto time to deliver on his promises.

“He (Raila) is used to fighting his way into leadership through political blackmail and President Ruto will bring this to an end. There is no short-cut to getting to government but at the ballot,” Mr Gachagua said.

The President and his deputy hailed police for dealing with criminals firmly and “professionally”.

Dr Ruto announced that Sh500 million had been earmarked by the county and national government to establish an aggregation and industrial park at Isiolo Prison’s idle farm within Isiolo town to help in value addition of livestock and crop products.

“We will also establish a special economic zone which will leverage on the Isiolo International Airport to export meat, hide and skins from the export abattoir,” he said.

The Head of State also announced that Isiolo County and Referral Hospital will soon be upgraded to Level Five status and equipped with state-of-the-art equipment to rid residents of the burden of traveling longer distances to seek specialised treatment.

On calls for dialogue from the international community and clergy, including Catholic bishops, Mr Gachagua said his boss would not sit down with “criminals” whose protests have resulted in loss of lives and ruined the economy.

Senate Majority Leader Aaron Cheruiyot and Senate Deputy Speaker Kathuri Murungi, MPs Mumina Bonaya (Isiolo), Ndindi Nyoro (Kiharu), John Mutunga (Tigania West) and Isiolo Senator Fatuma Dullo asked President Ruto to stay put and not be coerced into a Handshake with Mr Odinga.

“Be firm in protecting lives of Kenyans and properties,” Mr Nyoro said at Kiwanja in Ngaremara where Dr Ruto issued 1,000 title deeds and promised to issue 7,000 others for plots within Isiolo town by the end of the year.

Governor Guyo, his Deputy James Lowasa, Ms Dullo and Ms Bonaya said the county was solidly behind the government and will support the bottom-up economic transformation agenda.

“We campaigned for Mr Odinga and you rejected him at the ballot. He must respect the will of the people because that is the will of God,” Mr Guyo, who recently declared allegiance to the UDA party, said.