Azimio protests: Kalonzo alleges State plot to cause mayhem

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka during a service at Unshakable Faith Church in Kayole, Nairobi CountyM on March 19, 2023. 

Photo credit: Dennis Onsongo | Nation Media Group

Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has alleged a plot by the government to use police to infiltrate Monday’s demonstrations and cause mayhem.

The former vice president, however, said the plan will not derail the protests which he noted will proceed as planned.

Speaking Sunday, during a service at Unshakable Faith Church International in Kayole, Nairobi, Mr Musyoka said every Kenyan has the democratic right to demonstrate and that no government can take this away.

“We know they are planning to use police to infiltrate the demonstrations and cause mayhem. When demonstrating unarmed, no one should come and throw teargas at you,” said Mr Musyoka.

“We must stop the pretense and do the right thing. Time has come to call everyone to order. We say it is time to demonstrate,” he added.

Mr Kalonzo did not give evidence to support his claim. So far, the police have declared the Azimio protests illegal and said sufficient security agents will be deployed to keep the peace. 

The politician reiterated his claim of brazen rigging in the last four general elections, saying it is time to put a stop to the trend.

“The foundations of the country are broken so we will not sit down and encourage a culture of election theft,” he said.

Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua echoed Mr Musyoka’s sentiments, saying Kenyans are facing hard times due to the high cost of living, which has made life unbearable, a situation she said is similar to what led to the French revolution.

Ms Karua said time has come to clean Kenya of election deceit as she rallied Kenyans of goodwill to come out in large numbers to stand up for their rights.

The former Justice minister further said there is nothing wrong with going to State House as it is a government building that should be within every Kenyan’s reach.

“We will demonstrate tomorrow, come what may. It is our way to say enough is enough. This is not Moi's era when we were brutalised for demonstrating. It is provided for in the Constitution,” said Ms Karua.

“We have a date with destiny tomorrow. We are coming to do what is right and not to fight anyone. Our people cannot go hungry to finance the expensive lifestyle of the government using their taxes.”

Ms Karua, also the former MP of Gichugu, cited the appointment of 50 CAS as well as independent institutions she said were acting on the whims of the Executive.

She gave examples of the Judiciary and Directorate of Criminal Investigations, which she accused of going to bed with the Kenya Kwanza government.

“We want accountability and don't want to be led by crooks. Most individuals with criminal and corruption cases are being cleaned and appointed into government positions. We have to liberate this country. The power is in your hands as the people. Come one, come all,” she said, noting these are ills that must end.

Kathiani MP Robert Mbui said multiparty democracy and the new Constitution Kenyans enjoy today are products of demonstrations, so there is no problem in protesting.

“We want it to be peaceful and avoid a repeat of the deaths witnessed during ‘Baba while you were away’ in 2018. It is not the people who are violent. It is the State, when they are trying to stop the protesters. We will not carry any weapon but white handkerchiefs,” said Mr Mbui.

Kaiti MP Joshua Kimilu said: “Police should not be used to cause mayhem. We will not sit back and watch the country go to the dogs.”