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All 1.2m KCPE candidates have a place in secondary school - CS Machogu

KCPE candidates

Standard Eight pupils at St Peters Girls’ Boarding Primary School in Elburgon, Nakuru County celebrate after finishing KCPE Exams on March 09, 2022.

Photo credit: John Njoroge | Nation Media Group

All 1.2 million candidates who sat for the 2022 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) will be admitted to secondary school, Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekeil Machogu has said.

Speaking during the release of KCPE results Wednesday, he said all 1,233,852 candidates who sat the national exam have qualified to be admitted to Form One in line with the government’s 100 percent transition policy.

“All the candidates whose results I am releasing today will be admitted to Form One. There should be no case of a guardian or parent keeping their child at home when admission to Form One is opened up,” said Mr Machogu.

The top candidate in this year’s Standard Eight examinations scored 431 marks out of 500, he said, but in a departure from tradition, CS Machogu did not name the top candidates during the official release of the results at Mtihani House.

Those who garnered 400 marks and above were 9,443. A total of 307,756 candidates scored between 300 and 399 marks, while another 619,593 managed between 200 and 299 marks.

Another 296,336 candidates scored between 100 and 199 marks while those with below 100 marks were 724.

Mr Machogu said 252 candidates in nine centres got zero marks in papers that they cheated in but will still transition to secondary school.

Watch the release of KCPE results below:

2022 KCPE results out

He said that 620,965 of the candidates, about 50 percent of the pupils, were boys while 612,887 (49.6 percent) were girls, an indication that Kenya has achieved gender parity at the primary school level.

Mr Machogu said this year’s performance is an improvement from 2021 with four papers recording an improvement including English language, Kiswahili lugha, Insha and Kenya Sign Language. Girls performed better in languages as compared to boys.

The CS pointed out that newly constructed schools that were initially meant for junior secondary schools are now available to ease the strained infrastructure in secondary schools. This, he said, means that there will be a relatively smooth path to the achievement of 100 percent transition to Form One next year.