Ex-Minister Noah Wekesa's stolen gun recovered as 2 robbers shot dead in Uasin Gishu

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Police have shot dead two robbers in Jua Kali area of Uasin Gishu suspected to be part of a gang that has been terrorising residents in Trans Nzoia, Uasin Gishu and Kakamega counties.

Police have shot dead two robbers in Jua Kali area of Uasin Gishu suspected to be part of a gang that has been terrorising residents in Trans Nzoia, Uasin Gishu and Kakamega counties.

During the joint intelligence-led operation, detectives from Trans Nzoia and Uasin Gishu counties also recovered a pistol stolen from former minister Noah Wekesa's home in Kitale in December.

The two robbery suspects, who were shot dead on Friday afternoon, were wanted for robbery with violence at Chukura and Moi's Bridge police stations.

The armed suspects were chased to a flat in Cheramei Centre where officers ordered them to surrender, but they defied the order and started shooting at officers through the window of their flat.

A shoot-out ensued in which one suspect, identified as John Mukhwana Muhila, and another unknown adult male were shot dead.

The officers also recovered bullets, a motorcycle, a mobile phone and various tools used to break into houses.

Trans Nzoia County Criminal Investigations Officer Francis Kihara said a total of 13 bullets were fired during the incident.

“We believe the pistol recovered is that which was stolen from Noah Wekesa and a mobile phone stolen from Moi's Bridge last night in a robbery incident,” he told the Nation.

Former minister Wekesa lost his gun, cash and other valuables when robbers attacked his home in Kitale on December 19 last year.

He also lost electronic gadgets in the attack.

The robbers gained access to Wekesa's house after cutting off part of the roof and entering through the ceiling.

Wekesa's security guard found the kitchen door open.

The guard alerted his boss, who awoke to find several items missing from the house, including his Smith and Wesson pistol, 11 bullets and a 65-inch TLC television set.

A shaken and disturbed Wekesa said he had stayed up talking to the guard until after midnight, when he retired to bed.

"I had a talk with one of my workers past midnight and he went to his house near the gate before he retired to bed and everything was fine," he said.

According to Wekesa, his security guard had heard the family's dogs barking at around 2am and had inspected the compound but found nothing wrong.