Puzzle of Laban Kiptoo, the Nakuru doctor killed inside hospital

Laban Kiptoo Langat

The late Laban Kiptoo Langat, who was an intern physician at the Nakuru Level Five Hospital.

Photo credit: Courtesy

What you need to know:

  • Dr Kiptoo had been on duty on Friday, just hours before his tragic death. 
  • His family, friends and colleagues, who on Monday protested his death at the hospital.

Detectives are tracing the last movements and conversations of the doctor who was found dead at the Nakuru Level Five Hospital on Saturday.

The body of 26-year-old Laban Kiptoo, an intern physician attached to the Margaret Kenyatta Mother-Baby Maternity wing, was discovered in a trench by security guards at 7am.

Dr Kiptoo had been on duty on Friday, just hours before his tragic death. 

A colleague and close friend shared that they had spoken on Friday, with Dr Kiptoo mentioning he had a patient in the maternity wing's theatre. 

Around 6pm, he informed her that he had completed his work and later, at 8pm, the medic messaged her on WhatsApp, mentioning he would be attending a rugby game at Nakuru Athletic Club on Saturday morning. 

“We spoke until 11pm. I was so tired and therefore l dozed off. I woke up at around 4.45am and I decided to respond to some of his last messages, from the previous night, but I got no response. I was worried, but l decided that l would call him later so that we could talk," revealed the friend who sought anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.

But he was to be found dead in a trench, leaving colleagues in panic and fear.

"He had not mentioned to me that he would be going out Friday night as every time he would do, he would tell me," added the friend.

Laban Kiptoo

Dr Laban Kiptoo, was a graduate of Medicine and Surgery from Egerton University.

Photo credit: Courtesy

“I learned of his death later on Saturday morning through a friend, that his lifeless body had been found in a trench. I am yet to come to terms with the incident.”

Dr Kiptoo, a recent graduate of Medicine and Surgery from Egerton University, had been interning at Nakuru Level Five Hospital since August 2023. 

He lived within the hospital’s premises.

His family, friends and colleagues, who on Monday protested his death at the hospital, describe him as a social, humble, and kind person.

Sarah Rono

Sarah Rono, the mother of Laban Kiptoo, speaks to the media at Nakuru Level Five Hospital on January 14, 2024.

Photo credit: Mercy Koskei | Nation Media Group

"We have really struggled to educate him, we had hopes that he would help us after securing a job, but that, however, has been cut short by people. He has never felt ill or been hospitalised. He had not disclosed that he was not feeling well," said his mother Sarah Rono.

She recalled speaking with her son on Thursday, describing him as full of life. 

Mrs Rono emphasized his son’s dedication to work and the family's hopes that he would support them after securing a job. 

His father, Johana Rono, expressed disbelief at the circumstances of his son's death within the hospital compound, which is supposed to be guarded premises.

"We do not believe that he was killed outside as the gates are manned by security officials. How did the killers pass through? These are some of the questions we are asking ourselves," he said.

“They wanted to just kill him and they did not take anything from him. His phone was found in his pocket. We ask officers to speed up investigations for the family to get justice.”

As investigators try to piece together information surrounding the murder, questions about the motive and the identity of the killer(s) have arisen. 

A senior detective assured that progress was being made in the investigation, with various theories being explored.

Nakuru Level Five Hospital

Health workers from Nakuru Level Five Hospital demonstrate following the mysterious death of their colleague at the facility.

Photo credit: Boniface Mwangi | Nation Media Group

"We are making great strides into the investigations of the murder. Soon, the perpetrators will be arrested to face the law. We are looking into various theories to establish the motive of his killer(s)," revealed the detective.

But the hospital's defective CCTV cameras have posed a challenge for investigators. 

A staff member revealed that most cameras were not working on the fateful Saturday, hindering efforts to solve the case. Dr Kiptoo's body had no physical injuries except bruises.

A postmortem conducted by government pathologist Titus Ngulungu on Sunday revealed that he died from manual strangulation. 

Titus Ngulungu

Government pathologist Dr Titus Ngulungu briefs the media at Nakuru Level Five Hospital mortuary after conducting the postmortem on Laban Kiptoo.

Photo credit: Mercy Koskei | Nation Media Group

Injuries were found on his neck, head, abdomen, wrists, and lips. The possibility of drowning was ruled out, as he was discovered in a trench.

"As a result of my examination, I have formed the opinion that the cause of death was asphyxia due to compression of the neck," revealed Dr Ngulungu.

Nakuru Human Rights Network (Nahurinet) called for a thorough investigation into the death, and called for the involvement of the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) boss Amin Mohamed and Inspector-General Japhet Koome. 

Colleagues at the hospital, led by the nurses' union chairperson Rose Masta, held a peaceful protest on Monday, demanding a comprehensive inquiry. 

They also paralysed operations at the hospital, demanding that investigations be fast-tracked.

The Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists, and Dentists Union (KMPDU) echoed the call for swift investigations and emphasized the need for heightened security measures within health facilities.

"We implore the relevant authorities to expedite the process, ensuring that justice is served swiftly," KMPDU Secretary-General Davji Atellah said.

"The union will not tolerate any compromise in the security of our doctors and medical interns," he added.