Kenyan techie charged with molesting daughters in the US


AWK denied that between 2021 and 2022 in Texas, US, he sexually assaulted his daughters aged 7 and 2.

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

  • AWK, 52, allegedly committed the offences in Texas, US, then flew back to Kenya.
  • But his lawyer, Mr John Swaka, was quick to divulge to the court that the case stems from an ongoing child dispute between the suspect and his wife.

A software engineer has been arraigned in a Nairobi court for allegedly sexually assaulting his two daughters aged 7 and 2 in the US two years ago.

AWK, 52, allegedly committed the offences in Texas, US, then flew back to Kenya.

When he appeared before Milimani senior principal magistrate Bernard Ochoi Thursday, he denied two counts of sexually assaulting his daughters.

But his lawyer, Mr John Swaka, argued that the case stems from an ongoing child custody dispute between the suspect and his wife.

However, victims' advocate Kariuki Karanja told the magistrate that the child dispute pending before the Children's Court has nothing to do with the criminal case of sexual abuse filed against AWK by the Director of Public Prosecutions.

“The case pending before the Children’s Court has no relation with the current case. That case is about him accessing the minors,” Mr Karanja said.

The victims' lawyer urged that AWK's lawyer focusses on the criminal matter pending in court.

AWK denied that between 2021 and 2022 in Texas, he sexually assaulted his daughters aged 7 and 2. He is accused of committing an indecent act with a child contrary to Section 11 (2) of the Sexual Offences Act No 3 of 2006.

Mr Swaka applied to have AWK admitted to bond saying “he has been out on a police bond of Sh20,000.” The lawyer said he is not a flight risk, given that he attended court to answer to the charges as directed by police.

“I urge this court to take cognizance of the fact that the accused submitted himself to the authority of this court. This is a gesture of good faith on the part of the accused.” 

However, State prosecutor James Gachoka opposed his release on bond saying “an affidavit detailing opposition of the accused being admitted to bond was yet to be commissioned.” He, however, acceded to the suspect being freed on a cash bail of Sh20,000 pending commissioning of the affidavit of the investigating officer.

The magistrate released AWK on a cash bail of Sh20,000 until February 20,2023 when the case will be mentioned for further directions.