Five arrested for trafficking bhang in Lamu

The five suspects arrested ferrying bhang in a private vehicle on the Lamu-Witu-Garsen road on June 2, 2022.

Police on Thursday arrested five people ferrying bhang from Mombasa to Lamu.

The three men and two women were arrested in Koreni, on the Lamu-Witu-Garsen road, while transporting the narcotics in a private vehicle.

Lamu police boss Moses Murithi told Nation.Africa the suspects were being held at the Hindi Police Station waiting to be arraigned.

Police also impounded 250 rolls of bhang worth Sh250,000.

The county police boss acknowledged that drug trafficking is still a major challenge in the region and asked the public to cooperate with security agencies by sharing information that would help deal with drug cartels.

He also warned vehicle and boat operators in Lamu that they risk losing their licences if found engaging in the illegal trade.

The arrest of the five comes a month after Kenya Coast Guard Service officers impounded a consignment of bhang in a boat in the Indian Ocean.

The boat’s captain, Feiswal Hamadi, 35, was arrested in Tustiri at around 4am.