EACC must pursue overnight tycoons

Integrity centre

Integrity Centre in Nairobi which houses the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission offices. 

Photo credit: Pool I Nation Media Group

Overnight tycoons • Is the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) finally demonstrating its resolve to fight corruption by pursuing and parading suspects, including those looting counties, wonders Eliab Otiato. “The culprits’ property and bank accounts have been revealed. They include one who earns Sh50,000 but, in only five years, amassed Sh500 million.” His contact is [email protected].


Blackout • A resident of Ongata Rongai in Kajiado County, Dorcas Opiyo, and her neighbours have had a rough time with no electricity for three days and nights at Tumaini Lane, Kanisani Road at Nkoroi. Says Dorcas: “We’re missing out on online jobs, children can’t do homework, food in the fridge goes bad and there is insecurity.” Her account is No. 30126098 and her contact [email protected].


Dud code • Safaricom subscriber Samuel Wachira says the gigantic telco’s code *456*9*5#, for blocking unwanted promotional material, doesn’t seem to work. “Blocked messages keep streaming in, to my annoyance. You try blocking again and it says the name is already blacklisted. What other methods can we use? It’s very annoying!” His contact is [email protected].


Tax woes • The deafening silence by opposition parties on the Kenyans’ tax woes and higher fuel prices is a betrayal of the suffering ordinary mwananchi, says Mohammed Fazal Hussein. “Kenya now has the most expensive fuel in East Africa. A land-locked country like Rwanda has cheaper fuel. Taxes have never spurred growth in any country!” His contact is [email protected].


Lost city • The Nairobi City County government “should give us back our city”, demands Chris Kiriba. Chris remembers a clean, orderly and green city with working systems as he grew up. “But all is not lost. Let Governor Johnson Sakaja start by removing hawkers from the streets and confining matatus to designated stages. Also, keep out the boda boda menace.” His contact is [email protected].

Have a magnificent day, won’t you!