State should reduce fuel prices

Epra fuel prices review

For petrol, the price went up by Sh17, Diesel by Sh21, and kerosene by a whopping Sh33.

Photo credit: Nation Media Group

Fuel prices • Following the latest high fuel price increases in Kenya, Tanzania is reaping big as many motorists and boda boda riders in the Namanga border area now prefer going across to fill their tanks and return home happy, says Hillary Onyango. “The government should immediately reduce the high fuel taxes to lower the prices or continue losing money to Tanzania.” His contact is [email protected].


Useless millionaires • With the sharp increases in petroleum product prices, life is going to get much worse for Kenyans, especially the majority poor, as inflation rises, and basic commodities become more costly, remarks Stephen Masambu, adding: “But Kenya will soon have more ‘useless millionaires’ but millionaires all the same as happened in the past in Zimbabwe and Uganda.” His contact is [email protected].


Orderless city • Nairobi City County has “become synonymous with failure”, says Thomas Yebei, appalled by the widespread litter, dirt and squalor in the nation’s capital.  “It has become a huge open-air market where everything, including hard drugs, is sold openly. Governor Johnson Sakaja should pull up his socks or just resign if he can’t ensure a clean and orderly city.” His contact [email protected].


Bad road • The Transport ministry, the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA), and Nairobi City County officials should check out General Mathenge Drive,  west of Ring Road, which is a key link to so many other places, says Shobhna Shah. “First, the road has huge stones and the pavement is now being used by matatus and boda boda instead of pedestrians.” Her email is [email protected].


Unofficial anthem • British folk singer Roger Whitaker, 87, who passed away recently, was to many of his Kenyan fans also known as Waithaka, says university don XN Iraki. “He was born in Kenya and loved the country. His song, ‘My Land is Kenya’, should become our unofficial anthem. Like our athletes, he helped to brand the country. We shall miss his whistling and music. May he RIP!”  His contact is [email protected].

Have a melodious day, won’t you!