Why is Kisii Governor Simba Arati’s administration operating from a sports stadium?

Kisii Governor Simba Arati raid Nyaribari Chache MP Zaheer Jhanda

Kisii Governor Simba Arati addresses the media at Gusii Stadium on October 30, 2023. 

Photo credit: Ruth Mbula | Nation Media Group

Governor in ‘exile’ • What Evans Macharia Mwangi finds quite baffling is that Kisii Governor Simba Arati’s administration operates from the local sports stadium.

Says he: “What a shame, with all the money being disbursed to the county government! Could it be due to lack of land for offices? The issue raises many questions. Did the two previous administrations do the same?”

His contact is [email protected].


Debt • Following Controller of Budget Margaret Nyakang’o’s revelation of billions lost in ‘budgeted corruption’ and businessman Jimi Wanjigi’s claim that the public debt has been overpaid, Dickson K wants a quick response by Parliament.

“The best solution is to set up a commission of inquiry into the country’s debt to establish where the money went.”

His contact is [email protected].


Bumpy road • The Lunza-Ikolomani road in western Kenya must be Kenya’s worst, moans Butere resident Eric Ambuche. Its tarmacking, he claims, suddenly stopped after last year’s elections.

“Travelling along the five-kilometre road that links three wards is a nightmare. I appeal to the leaders to have the works completed. I don’t think we are being punished politically.”

His contact is [email protected].


Dud app • On Sunday morning, narrates South Coast resident Pauline McKenzie, she tried to report a power failure in her neighbourhood on the app, No. 14057901.

“Having filled in the details, the app told me it couldn’t accept my request because the account number was not valid, yet I’m in credit. What is the point of having an online system that doesn’t work?”

Her contact is [email protected].


Work ethic • The legendary peculiar habits of Kenyans are increasing by the day, notes Churchill Amatha.

“What could be happening? The work ethic has been thrown to the dogs. Why can’t people just do a clean job? Whether you get a tip for it or not, just do it. Even taxi drivers will often choose the longest route to a destination—of course to make more money.”

His contact is [email protected].

Have a straightforward day, won’t you!