Where is the government getting money to launch a satellite?

Some of the Kenyan engineers who worked on the Taifa-1 satellite. Where is the government, now unable to pay its employees’ salaries, getting the money for the Kenya Space Agency to launch a satellite, wonders Bruce Garrity.
Misplaced priorities • Where is the government, now unable to pay its employees’ salaries, getting the money for the Kenya Space Agency to launch a satellite, wonders Bruce Garrity. “There is no cash to pay workers and children in Marsabit County are starving. A whopping 80 per cent of Kenyans are poor and just don’t give a damn about those satellites.” His contact is [email protected].
The great coin robbery • George M. M. has a beef with Safaricom. Yesterday morning, he says, on buying an Oraimo charger (Item #2075873) at the telco’s Kimathi Street branch, Nairobi, priced at Sh849 (receipt No. 091371953), he was given change less Sh1. “When I complained, I was told I’d saved the shilling! They should change the price tag to Sh850. How many shillings do traders steal from customers daily in this manner?”
Drainage dumbness • Poorly disposed garbage is the problem, says Nairobi resident Diana D’Souza, on the city’s drainage mess. “Unless managed, is the cause of the clogged drains and destruction of roads. The uncontrolled kiosks are going to cause more wastage of funds on cleaning up and unclogging drains and restoring roads. How dumb can one be?” Her contact is [email protected].
Mobile din • Ban the playing of loud music in matatus to spare those irritated by the agony, Charity Chebusiri now tells county governments. “The loud music is noise pollution that adversely affects passengers. It should be dealt with. There is an urgent need to come up with legislation that specifically prevents the playing of music in the PSVs.” Her contact is [email protected].
Murder ordained • The discovery of mass graves of children and adults believed to have starved after being lured by a preacher in Kilifi County, Henry Ruhiu says, reminds him of cult preacher Jim Jones, who caused the deaths of 900 followers in Guyana with cyanide poisoning in 1978. “The government must rein in all the crooked preachers to avert deaths.” His contact is [email protected].
Have a preventable day, won’t you!