Stop the propaganda on Kenya shilling’s dramatic gain against the dollar


Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua

Photo credit: Jared Nyataya| NMG

Propaganda • While there is no dispute that the Kenya shilling had dramatically gained against the US dollar, Evans Macharia is unhappy with Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua’s exaggeration.

Says he: “He told a meeting that those hoarding dollars should sell or lose out as it was exchanging at Sh137,” adding that nobody in possession of dollars can buy such cheap propaganda”.

His contact is [email protected].


Railway pledge • President William Ruto and Deputy President Gachagua, Henry Ruhiu recalls, early in their government’s tenure after the August 2022 General Election, launched the construction of a railway line to serve commuters from Bomas of Kenya, Riruta, Ngong and Ongata Rongai.

“What happened, as there is nothing much to speak of today?”

His contact is [email protected].


Sub-county plea • The people of Ademasajida, in Wajir County, are disappointed about the failure to elevate their area to a sub-county as President Ruto promised during the August 2022 election campaigns, reports Nassir Daud.

He, therefore, appeals to Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki to review the matter and ensure they get an efficient delivery of government services.”

His contact is [email protected].


Good music • Kenyan musicians should take a leaf from South African star Tyla Laura Seethal, 22, who bagged the inaugural Best African Music Performance Award in the Grammys.

“They should know that monotony, vulgarity and lack of originality are hindering our music from gaining global success. Let’s capitalise on digital music to revamp our music industry.”

His contact is [email protected].


Good old Watchie • The Watchman, “whoever it is, should remain anonymous”, remarks university don XN Iraki.

“That anonymity creates mystery and objectivity.” According to him, “as long as Watchie does his or her work, gender, height, weight or complexion do not matter”.

He concludes: “Long live the mysterious Watchie, as long as you are not a ghost, alien or chatbot!” His contact is [email protected].

Have a watchful day, won’t you!