Ruto CS nominees must provide proof of wealth

Cabinet nominees.

President William Ruto (left) and his first batch of Cabinet nominees. 

Photo credit: Nation Media Group

Proof of wealth • During the upcoming vetting of Cabinet nominees, Parliament should ask them to produce authentic title deeds, motor vehicle logbooks and bank statements to prove their real worth, says Evans Macharia Mwangi. “Previously, some would declare that they were worth, say Sh100 million, without confirming that they actually have it.” His contact is [email protected].


Keep up fight • Protesters are denouncing bad governance and calling for change, says Stacus Haron. “Civil society organisations should maintain their role of fighting for common interests and rights. It doesn’t matter whether they are funded by Ford Foundation, as the government claims, or any other donor. The State should come up with useful plans for youth.” His contact is [email protected].


Young CSs • President William Ruto should have nominated a few more young people as Cabinet secretaries instead of “recycling the same old people”, says gospel musician David Chegrichman. “As, youth unemployment is a serious problem, I’m happy that he has restored former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s ‘Kazi kwa Vijana’ programme.” His contact is [email protected].


Nightmares • With the Gen Z protesters putting political leaders under intense pressure countrywide, Wanjohi Mwangi says he has no doubt that they are certainly having sleepless nights. “I’m no expert in interpreting dreams, but in their sleep, they must be seeing many snakes following them all over the place. We’re living in very interesting times, indeed!” His contact is [email protected].


Hired goons • The more things change, the more they remain the same, says Jim Webo, amused at the return of pro-government mobs on motorbikes in Nairobi to counter protesters. “This used to happen a lot during the single-party dictatorship of President Daniel arap Moi. Unleashing these hired groups just confirms the desperation that is setting in. But this staged rivalry should not erode democratic gains.” Have a changing day, won’t you!