Registering alcoholics might not solve illicit liquor menace

River Chania brews

A police operation to flush out illicit brews dealers along River Chania in Kiambu. 

Photo credit: Mwangi Muiruri I Nation Media Group

Drinking problem • While welcoming Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki’s directive to chiefs countrywide to register alcohol addicts in their areas, Christopher Musyoki fears that this might not solve the fatal illicit liquor menace.

“Yes, this is laudable, but how sure is the CS that chiefs are not addicts of the same? And what if they take bribes [from the brewers and distillers]?”

His contact is [email protected].


Eyesore • A real eyesore for Chris Kiriba is “this traffic police car on the road at Maai Mahiu that has seen better days”.

Says Chris: “Its blue-black paint is cracked and sun-bleached with age. On the track, even a tortoise could easily give the car a run for its money. Inspector-General of Police Japhet Koome should just have it replaced it as a matter of urgency.”

His contact is [email protected].


Black spot • Nairobi resident Ruth Gituma is pleased that the “gaping potholes” on Riverside Drive, near Chiromo, that she recently complained about have since been patched up.

“We spoke and you listened. But we also need a safety solution for pedestrians dangerously crossing the road to and from the bus stops at both Mirage and Chiromo. This is a disaster waiting to happen.”

Her contact is [email protected].


Off duty • Before the new health insurance scheme is implemented, shouldn’t the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) still be available to cater for emergencies? On Saturday night, Willis Aguko (Account No. 2701909) called emergency number 0800 720 601 but there was no answer. And on texting 1550, the response he received was: “System is currently busy, try later.”

His contact is [email protected].


Hot air • Insurance firms are always at their best when enticing potential customers but not as good when it comes to settling claims.

Muslim F. Esmailji, who was formerly known as Suleem F. Esmailji, is upset about the delay in honouring his car accident claim amid petty excuses.

“Your company advertises in the media but can’t settle a claim of under Sh100,000.” His contact is [email protected].

Have a reliable day, won’t you!