Paying school fees through e-Citizen will cause confusion


President William Ruto during the launch of e-Citizen services, GavaMkononi app and Gava Express at KICC in Nairobi on June 30.

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

Rescind fees edict • The directive to have parents pay school fees through the e-Citizen portal will cause a lot of confusion, says Shelton Busolo.

“This (new layer of confusion) doesn't make sense. Does it mean that when a school wants to buy beans and sukuma wiki or pay subordinate staff, it must ask for funds from Nairobi? Will the funds reach schools in time?’’

His contact is [email protected]


Return stolen cash • The call for a forensic audit of the national debt should be heeded by the officials, says Dickson K.

“It’s doable. In addition, there is a need to reach out to all the known financial safe havens and apply for unconditional return of the stolen wealth from Kenya.”

The ones that readily come to Dickson’s mind are Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and the Channel Island of Jersey.

 His contact is [email protected]


Rethink directive • Before the e-Citizen portal school fees payment decision was made shouldn’t there have been public participation? wonders Harriet Adhiambo Alango.

“Not all parents own smartphones and recall their Kenya Revenue Authority PINs. Will they access the portal at cyber cafes where they will be required to pay Sh100 per hour? I totally disagree with this.”

Her contact is [email protected]


Blackspot • The Tharaka Nithi County government has constructed a viewpoint at the Nithi Bridge black spot on the Nairobi–Meru highway where 35 people perished in a bus accident on July 24, 2022, notes Reginold Mwathi.

“A bus stop should now be put up in the opposite direction and signposts erected warning of the steep slope at Mitheru and Marima Market.”

His contact is [email protected]


Tempting idea• In Nevada, in the United States, university economics don XN Iraki notes, voters in election primaries have a strange but alluring option: 'None of the above candidates'.

In a recent election, he adds, that option won against a candidate known as Nikki Haley.

“Why can’t we also try it in Kenya? Through this option, voters can reject someone!”

His contact is [email protected].

Have an effective day, won’t you!