Let school heads fill in fee declaration forms

Belio Kipsang

Basic Education Principal Secretary Belio Kipsang. 

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

Education • While Basic Education Principal Secretary Belio Kipsang’s order of an audit of schools to expose illegal fees is laudable, it will fail unless all the stakeholders are involved, warns W. Kimariech. “By getting the school heads to just fill in fee declaration forms, he will confirm that the extra charges such as remedial fees are not even paid into school accounts.” His contact is [email protected].


Explosions • Tragedies such the gas explosions in Embakasi, Nairobi, which claimed six lives and injured hundreds with property razed in infernos should not be happening, says Jimmy Thumbi. “It’s unfortunate that innocent lives have been lost. Who, in the government is guilty of negligence? Corruption allowed an illegal facility to operate. Those concerned must be held accountable.” His contact is [email protected].


Homes • If the government is keen on providing affordable housing to citizens, why not use existing taxes instead of the unpopular levy? asks Ruth Gituma. “Its appetite for taxes is unmatched. How I wish the money could be put to good use instead of being wasted on travel by those vomiting on donors’ shoes as former UK envoy Edward Clay once described corruption.” Her contact is [email protected].


Nairobi • The Nairobi City County should take action against a contractor who left a deep open drain on Ole Dume Road on the fence of St Hannah’s School, says Gerishom Majanja. “Covers should put on all drainages. Secondly, most roads don’t have signposts, which have been probably been stolen and sold as scrap metal. How about using plastic posts?” His contact is [email protected].


Fought a lion • The story of Michael Apaiyu, who put his life on the line to save his wife, is one of courage and determination that all should learn from, says Mwangi Wanjohi. “As he fought a lion to save his wife, he was hit by a bullet. It’s such people who deserve the state honours often dished out to undeserving politicians.” His contact is [email protected].                                                             

Have a deserving day, won’t you!