High crime rate in the country is worrying

There have been numerous cases of young women spiking drinks in bars and steal cellphones while men hijack cars.

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

  • Ipoa should investigate an extortionist ring of police officers harassing traders parts of in Nairobi.
  • The central business district of Kiserian Town in Kajiado County is in a pathetic state, says Joe Mbugua.

Stay alert • Nairobi, Nyeri, and Kiambu counties are experiencing a ruthlessly high crime rate, says Victor Onyara. “There are many armed robberies, killings and deadly gangs. Interior CS Kithure Kindiki’s threats sound like a never-ending song. Young women spike drinks in bars and steal cellphones while men hijack cars. Motorcycles are also being stolen. All should stay alert!” His contact is [email protected].


Extortion • The Independent Policing Oversight Authority (Ipoa) should investigate an extortionist ring of police officers harassing traders at Langat’a, Ngumo and Kibera shopping centres in Nairobi, says Francis Muriuki. The traders, he adds, are accused of selling expired goods. “They are arrested, taken round in circles and asked to pay Sh50,000 to buy their freedom.” His contact is [email protected].


Priority • A keen observer, Job Otieno, has been counting the billboards Nairobi Nominated Senator Gloria Orwaba has had mounted in strategic locations to mobilise support, including the provision of sanitary pads, to girls from marginalised regions. “While the goal is noble and commendable, the money being spent could have been directly channelled to benefit the girls.” His contact is [email protected].


No services • The central business district of Kiserian Town in Kajiado County is in a pathetic state, says Joe Mbugua, faulting the local elected and appointed leadership for failing to effectively serve the people. “In this rainy season, many businesses have shut down. Street lights are not functioning and the mama mboga and boda boda are suffering. Over to our honourable MP!” His contact is [email protected].


Choices • Declining economic fortunes and shorter bar-opening hours in the Covid-19 pandemic years have led the people to shift to hard liquor, says John T. Mukui. “They also prefer cheaper cigarettes and eating eggs instead of beef. But why have high fuel prices not led to more hybrid and fully-electric vehicles? Is the ego in driving a fuel-guzzler the main hindrance?” His contact is [email protected].

Have a changing day, won’t you!