Govt should stop wasting money

Huduma namba card

Joyce Wanjiku Muchina displays her Huduma Namba card after receiving it from the then Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang'i at Kiambu County Commissioner's offices on November 18, 2020, during the launch of the Huduma Namba Card issuance to Kenyans.

Photo credit: Evans Habil | Nation Media Group

Air Yetu • Just out of curiosity, Kelvin Simbi says he would really wish to know from the people living around State House, Nairobi, if President William Ruto still drives the ‘Air Yetu’ electric car he showcased during the Africa Climate Summit. “Or is he back to his air-polluting, fuel-guzzling fleet? I would want to confirm that he’s a man who keeps his word.” His contact is [email protected].


El Niño • The Meteorological Department’s prediction about heavy El Nino rains coming is worrying due to power blackouts and destruction, says Raphael Kanini. “Power goes off immediately dark clouds gather, making us wonder how prepared the utility is to cope with challenges? Let them ensure that the rains don't interrupt power supply.” His contact is [email protected].


PSVs • Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen’s directive for all passenger service vehicles (PSVs) to have dash cameras is the biggest joke of this decade, says Mwangi Wanjohi. “It’s like proposing that all roads be covered with leather to protect pedestrians’ feet. It’s cheaper to give them shoes, instead. It would be cheaper to have cameras installed by the roadside.” His contact [email protected].


Huduma Namba • The government “seems to have so much money to waste despite the rampant poverty”, remarks Evans Macharia Mwangi. “Why spend money to collect data for new identity cards when they did the same for Huduma Namba. Why can't they use this for those already registered? Some people must be benefiting from the new registration kits.” His contact is [email protected].


Counties • The proposal to increase the number of counties should be shelved as the current 47 “are too many”, says university don XN Iraki. “It doesn’t make economic sense. We should merge some to benefit from the economies of scale. Regional economic blocs are the way to go. My worry is that after getting 10 more, there will be demand for more.” His contact is [email protected].

Have a reasonable day, won’t you!