DP Rigathi Gachagua should rein in rogue traffic police officers

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua. The DP, who has told DCI officers to stay in their Kiambu Road offices in Nairobi and wait for crimes to be reported instead of hovering at offices, should also rein in the crooked traffic police officers.

Photo credit: Jared Nyataya

What you need to know:

  • DP Rigathi Gachagua, who has told DCI officers to stay in their Kiambu Road offices in Nairobi and wait for crimes to be reported instead of hovering at offices, should also rein in the crooked traffic police.
  • Quite baffling for Francis Njuguna is why the MPs are always demanding higher pay, sitting allowances and other hefty perks, even when the country is in a dire economic situation like now.
  • The Kenya Bureau of Standards (Kebs) “is now joking after waking up from its deep slumber.

Bribes • DP Rigathi Gachagua, who has told DCI officers to stay in their Kiambu Road offices in Nairobi and wait for crimes to be reported instead of hovering at offices, should also rein in the crooked traffic police, urges Godfrey Gikonyo. “He should tell those between Ruaka and Banana Hill on the Nairobi-Limuru road not to extort bribes from matatus and buses.” His contact is [email protected].


Safety • The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) has released grim statistics of the rising death toll on the roads, notes Mike Johan. “They are likely understated, as they relate to bodies collected on the roads.” The Transport ministry, NTSA and the police, he adds, have failed Kenyans. “Driving on our roads is courting death. When will sanity be restored?” His contact is [email protected].


Perks • Quite baffling for Francis Njuguna is why the MPs are always demanding higher pay, sitting allowances and other hefty perks, even when the country is in a dire economic situation like now. Says he: “How can they be talking about a salary increase today? Is it that they have eyes and yet they do not see? I hope they will not incite the common mwananchi!” His contact is [email protected].


Big joke • The Kenya Bureau of Standards (Kebs) “is now joking after waking up from its deep slumber”, says Carey Yiembe. “Its ban on some cooking oil brands is ridiculous. Where were the officials to enforce compliance? What happens to those who bought large quantities of the oils? Either Kebs plays its oversight role or just disappears off the radar. Enough is enough!” His contact is [email protected].


Damages • Ukrainians deserve reparations for the loss of lives and destruction since Russia’s invasion, says Alnashir D. Walji. This, he adds, is happening amid talk of holding a referendum on whether the Ukrainians of Russia origin should join the aggressor. “President Vladimir Putin has summoned 30,000 of them. Can diplomacy resolve the conflict?” His contact is [email protected].

Have a peaceful day, won’t you!