Let developed nations honour $100bn annual climate finance

William Ruto

President of Kenya William Ruto (C) surrounded by other African leaders delivers his closing speech during the closure of the Africa Climate Summit 2023 at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre in Nairobi on September 6, 2023.

Photo credit: PCS

Climate funds • The country, Taabu Tele says, deserves kudos for hosting the Africa Climate Summit 2023. This, he adds, culminated in the Nairobi Declaration asking developed nations to honour their commitments to provide $100 billion in annual climate finance. “The chief polluters should walk the talk and put their mouths where their toxic carbon emissions are.” His contact is [email protected].


Tackle deforestation • Unless President William Ruto rescinds his decision to lift the ban on logging, the just-ended climate summit “will be just another talk-shop”, says Fred Njuki. “When deforestation occurs, much of the carbon stored by trees is released back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, which contributes to climate change. Let’s not preach water and drink wine.” His contact is [email protected].


Nuisance schools • On Mageta Road, west of Nairobi’s city centre, Diana D’Souza says, there’s a gated estate of 50 houses whose occupants feel shortchanged by the National Environment Management Authority. “Despite residents’ objection, Nema has allowed two schools to be set up and a third one is in the process. One has no parking and blocks people’s gates.” Her contact [email protected].


Land cartels • Cartels are eyeing the fertile lands in Maeilla and Ndababi in Nakuru County, where farmers have been growing adequate food crops for several decades, says Reuben Njoroge. The crooks, he claims, have been using fake court orders to drive out farmers and destroy their already planted crops. “Who will come to the innocent farmers’ rescue?” His contact is [email protected].


Revamping boxing • Ever since Robert Wangila Napunyi became the first Kenyan boxer to win a gold medal in the Olympic Games in Seoul, South Korea, in 1988, success in the ring has eluded this major sporting country, moans Jim Webo. “As Sports CS Ababu Namwamba breathes life into athletics, he could pick a team to come up with a programme to revive boxing and produce new superstars in the sport.”

 Have an exemplary day, won’t you!