Inclusion of esports in African Games commendable

Eric "Demon" Ngige

Kenyan esports stars Sylvia "Quuen Arrow" Gathoni and Eric "Demon" Ngige.

Photo credit: Pool

What you need to know:

  • The inclusion of esports in the African Games holds promise for expanding the audience base, particularly among the youth demographic.
  • With the allure of games waning in comparison to its heyday in the 90s, esports emerges as a fresh and captivating medium for attracting a generation deeply entrenched in digital realms.

In a groundbreaking move, the African Games organisers recently revealed the inclusion of esports as a demonstration event in the upcoming 13th edition of the continental spectacle scheduled for March 2024.

This pronouncement marks a focal moment in the trajectory of esports, bringing it closer to its aspiration of becoming an Olympic sport. The decision follows similar strides made by the European Games and the Pan American Games, both of which integrated esports into their events for the first time in 2023.

The 2022 Commonwealth Games  also had esports while Asian Games, are ahead, having already made esports as a medal event, emphasizing its growing recognition on the global sports stage. 

The inclusion of esports in the African Games holds promise for expanding the audience base, particularly among the youth demographic.

With the allure of games waning in comparison to its heyday in the 90s, esports emerges as a fresh and captivating medium for attracting a generation deeply entrenched in digital realms.

Moreover, this development serves as a significant platform for the convergence of the traditional sports domain and the burgeoning esports industry.

It presents an opportunity for both worlds to collaborate and explore ways to complement each other, fostering a symbiotic relationship for the betterment of the sports landscape in Africa.

This is especially crucial in a continent where traditional sports federations have been somewhat slower in adopting or embracing esports.

The inclusion of esports also opens new doors for diversification in sponsorship categories for the games. Brands with a focus on technology or the youth demographic, which may have previously deemed the games as nonviable, are now likely to express interest in the event.

For gamers, this announcement is an opportunity to showcase their skills at an international level—a rare occurrence on the African continent.

Such a platform not only elevates the profile of individual players but also contributes to the overall growth and recognition of esports in the region.

However, it is imperative to acknowledge the challenges associated with the late announcement. The limited preparation time for participating nations and the uncertainty regarding the gaming titles are the most pressing ones.

Despite these challenges, we celebrate the historic inclusion of esports in the African Games, recognizing that every journey begins with a single step. 

As the Kenyan esports community, we are optimistic that future editions will see improvements and refinement in the integration process, further solidifying esports as a valued component of the continental games.