Setting goals? Ensure you do not bite off more than you can chew 

Thinking woman

Goals should be socially justifiable, economically realistic and born of reasonable logic.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

What you need to know:

  • Setting goals is important because it makes lifetime achievements possible. 
  • Over-hyped expectations are detrimental to one’s well-being and that of the society at large.

Just like you, every human being has dreams and goals in life. It’s expected. Even machines work towards a defined end goal.

Setting goals is important because it makes lifetime achievements possible. 

But, as much as goals and expectations are advantageous, on the flip side, there’s an ugly part of them.

Over-hyped expectations are detrimental to one’s well-being and that of the society at large.

Unrealistic goals lead to social and economic vices. Goals should be socially justifiable, economically realistic and born of reasonable logic. 

Unrealistic expectations fuel greed and short-cuts to success that are dangerous.


In my interactions, I have observed that some expectations that people make are clearly absurd.

Not every life is the same. Comparisons, especially among young adults, easily trigger ill-thoughts of being like so-or-so.

Take the example of school. Exam cheating and other malpractices are triggered by the urge to get grades one did not work for.

In government, grabbing of public utilities is due to the greed of corrupt officials who want to reap where they did not sow.

Learning to live within one’s means is a culture that needs to be inculcated into our society.

This will make one set goals that stretch them to achieve their full potential and bring self-satisfaction.

Impact people's lives

You, for instance, don’t have to stash money in all banks around the globe to consider yourself successful. 

You don’t have to be called a “mheshimiwa” to bring change in your society or touch and impact other people’s lives.

Be you and do you! Make sure that, for every activity you take part in, you give it your best shot. Leave no room for regrets. 

If you fail to achieve anything you had planned for, do not let the reason be that you did not try or were not committed enough.

Live life one step at a time. Do not rush things or try to get ahead of yourself. 

This will create a situation where everyone is contented by their possessions, eradicating vices fueled by raw avarice.

Trevor,18, studies at Alliance High School.

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