Relief for Maara woman bedridden for 7 years at home

Chuka County Referral Hospital in Tharaka Nithi County. Rosemary Mukwanyaga from Rurea village in Maara has been been admitted to the facility after seven years of suffering at her home.

Photo credit: Alex Njeru | Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

  • Rosemary Mukwanyaga from Rurea village in Maara has been bedridden for seven years at her home since she began suffering from a strange disease.
  • She can neither walk nor stand on her own, and her health had been deteriorating with each passing day.

Sick and bedridden. This has been the condition of Rosemary, an elderly mother from Mukwanyaga from Rurea village in Maara, Tharaka Nithi, for the past seven years. She is suffering from a "strange disease" and efforts to get treatment has always, given her life in poverty.

Rosemary can neither walk nor stand on her own, and her health has been deteriorating by the day. She had sought treatment from nearby dispensaries and health centres but was referred to higher-level hospitals for specialist medical checkup, which she could not afford, according to village elder James Murithi. She lives in poverty and on many occasions rely on other residents for food.

Rosemary is the latest beneficiary of Susan Mwindu Rescue Services, a charitable initiative launched by Tharaka-Nithi Woman Representative Susan Ngugi. The lawmaker intervened after the media highlighted Rosemary’s plight, helping her get admission to Chuka County Referral Hospital.

Ms Ngugi said the rescue services target girls at risk of undergoing female genital mutilation and other forms of gender-based violence, but the sickly poor will also benefit. She urged residents to enrol for the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), saying it is the only way poor people can afford quality health.

NHIF rates

The legislator lauded President William Ruto for announcing that the lowest-paid workers and self-employed contributors will from July pay Sh300, down from the current Sh500.

“I have enrolled Mukwanyaga into the NHIF scheme and I urge every person to have medical insurance to afford healthcare services," said Ms Ngugi, adding that people should always be mindful of the welfare of the needy amongst them.

Mr Murithi thanked the media for highlighting her plight and the woman representative for responding. He added that many locals, especially the elderly, cannot afford quality health services because of poverty due to the bad economy.

@alexnjeru5; [email protected]