Buhari condemns killing of 25 Nigerian Muslim travellers

Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari who has condemned the killing of 25 Muslim travellers on August 14, 2021.

Photo credit: Courtesy | Nigerian Presidency


Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has condemned the killing of 25 Muslim travellers on Saturday as the government imposed curfew in Jos local government in North Central Plateau state.

Twenty-two people were injured in the attacks carried out by irate youths on five commercial buses in Rukuba road, which were transporting the Muslims travellers from an event in Bauchi, passing through Rukuba, near Jos, Plateau.

The convoy of five buses crrying Muslim faithful returning from the Annual Zikr prayer in Bauchi State and heading to Ikare in Ondo State in South West Nigeria was attacked by Irigwe youths who were reported to be protesting their neglect.

Attacks unacceptable

The senior special assistant to the president in charge of media and publicity, Mr Garba Shehu, on Saturday in Abuja regretted the killings and declared that the attacks on innocent citizens “are unacceptable, heinous, and stand in complete contradiction to the teachings of the great religions”.

“It is widely known that Plateau State has been one of the states affected by herder-farmer clashes, which have, in a significant way, been curtailed following the intense peace-building efforts of the administration of Governor Simon Lalong.

“However, to be clear, this is not an agriculturalist-on-pastoralist confrontation – but rather a direct, brazen and wickedly motivated attack on members of a community exercising their rights to travel freely and to follow the faith of their choosing.

“With the evident preparedness of their attackers, it is clear this was a well-conceived and prearranged assault on a known target, location and religious persuasion of the travellers not an opportunist ambush.’’

The presidency said it stood steadfast with both Christians and Muslims at this time in condemnation of this latest attack and expects and insists that justice is swiftly – but fairly – delivered to the perpetrators.

Shehu also quoted President Buhari as saying: “Make no mistake about it: in line with my commitment to protect all Nigerians, I have ordered our security agencies to fish out the perpetrators of this gruesome massacre of innocent travellers and bring them to justice.’’

According to the presidential aide, the federal government will continue to liaise closely with the local authorities — including security, the police, and governmental agencies — as the facts of the sad incident continue to unfold. 

Mr Ubah Ogaba, the Police Public Relations Officer in Jos Police Command confirmed that 22 of the suspected Irigwe youth and their sympathisers had been arrested.

“Upon receipt of a distress call, a team of police personnel, the military and other security agencies were immediately mobilised to the scene and normalcy has returned to the area,” he said.

Ogaba, however, said that security personnel rescued seven people while the injured have been taken to the hospital.


Plateau State Governor, Mr Simon Lalong, who condemned the attack has imposed curfew in Bassa, Jos North and Jos South Local Government Areas, to forestall a reprisal.

Mr Lalong in a statement by his Director of Press and Public Affairs Makut Macham, on Sunday in Jos said the curfew commenced on Aug 14, from 6pm to 6am

"I have directed the imposition of curfew on Jos North, Bassa and Jos South Local Governments commencing 6pm to 6am from today, 14th August 2021.

“The curfew shall remain in place subject to further review by the State Security Council.

“All citizens are therefore directed to abide by the directive to enable security personnel maintain law and order in the affected areas, and deal with those attempting to foment trouble by taking advantage of the situation to perpetrate crime,” he said

He said the government would continue to monitor the situation and take further action where necessary, to ensure the safety of lives and properties.

The governor called for calm and appealed to residents to avoid any action or utterances that would further inflame the situation, saying security agencies are conducting investigations into the attack.

“So far, 20 suspects have been arrested and the security agencies are conducting investigations to get to the bottom of the matter,” he said.