Former Big Stars Band guitarist Ladi Mbala riding high

Ladi Mbala

Congolese guitarist Ladi Mbala.

Photo credit: Pool

London-based mercurial Congolese guitarist Ladi Mbala, formerly of the Big Stars band, is tuning up to reboot his career. He has in the past proved to be one star to look out for both in live shows and also song recordings.

Ladi, of the late General Defao’s Big Stars Band fame, is planning a big date for his plan for his fans. He hopes to stage shows in Kenya and other East African countries in the near future.

Speaking to the Saturday Nation earlier this week, Ladi said he was looking forward to touring Kenya. He last performed there in the late 1990s with the Big Stars.

"Alongside my colleagues, we have been in the recent past working on songs that will form part of the preparations to tour Kenya," Ladi said.

In England, where he lives, there are other Congolese prominent artistes, whom he often teams up with for shows. They include guitarists Bukina Faso, Fiston Lusambo and Tanzania- born musician Saidi Kanda.

Back home in DR Congo, Ladi made his debut with the TP Zembe Zembe in 1972. As he still vividly recalls, this was one of the top bands in the then-Bas Congo region. It featured other stars like JB Mondo, and John Tex. Later, Ladi joined the Tout Choc Banita band that was based at Kisantu also in DR Congo.

Like most other Congolese musicians, then, Franco Luambo’s TPOK Jazz and Tabu Ley’s Afrisa International were idolised as among the top bands. "We all looked at those top bands for inspiration," he said.

One of the greatest songs Ladi took part in recording was titled, Naboya Songi Songi recorded while with the Banita Band. He later joined the Egogo Moto Moto Band from 1981-1992. However, his major breakthrough was in 1993, when he joined General Defao’s Big Stars band. This was when Ladi teamed up with others like Montana Kamenga, Theo Mbala, Kabosse and Mukuta. Notably, Burkina Faso also had stints with JB Mpiana’s Wenge BCBG.

Congolese guitarist Ladi Mbala.

Congolese guitarist Ladi Mbala.

Photo credit: Pool

"I cherish those days as this was when I got the opportunity to perform at most of the top nightclubs in Kinshasa," he said. Ladi played the rhythm guitar on some of the top Big Stars songs such as Sala Noki and Madova.

He also composed the song Mata Mbungu Lobe featuring Kabosse on the vocals.

When Big Stars made its debut tour to Kenya in the late 1990s, Ladi was among them.

He also later backed a fellow London-based Congolese musician Kanda Bongoman on tours to Malawi, and Barbados alongside other countries. They also performed at the Womad Festival.

Earlier this year, Ladi teamed up with some former members of Wenge Musica for shows in North London. Among those he performed alongside were Titina Alcapone, Allain Mpela, Patent Kusangila, and Manda Chante.

Elsewhere, former TPOK Jazz band singer Daitho Lukoki is due to be buried today in Antwerp, Belgium.