Just Brenda: I hate my boss

Let her have all the ideas she thinks she has, but after each idea, send her an email confirming your role in the idea.

Photo credit: Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

  • People who often change goalposts just want to feel like they're in charge.
  • Unfortunately, this is just going to need a bit of ego stroking.
  • Let her have all the ideas she thinks she has, but after each idea, send her an email confirming your role in the idea.
  • When she responds, you create a paper trail for HR to follow if anything untoward ever happens - and, if you get frustrated enough, you can file a complaint yourself.

Dear Brenda,

I hate my boss. She consistently changes goal posts and doesn't know what she wants. I don't know how she became the boss in the first place. But she's in charge of my pay and my review so I don't have much of a choice but to interact with her every. Single. Day. What do I do???

Dear Unhappy At Work, 

If you're a rich heiress, quit. If you're not a rich heiress, look for another job. If you can't find another job, avoid your boss. If you can't avoid your boss, figure out how to beat her at her own game. People who often change goalposts just want to feel like they're in charge. Unfortunately, this is just going to need a bit of ego stroking. Let her have all the ideas she thinks she has, but after each idea, send her an email confirming your role in the idea. When she responds, you create a paper trail for HR to follow if anything untoward ever happens - and, if you get frustrated enough, you can file a complaint yourself. If she doesn't respond, you're off the hook.  First rule of the workplace? CYA - Cover Your Ass. To be honest, until you can take her job, you have to just rally. These are the things they don't teach you, unfortunately, in high school...


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