The don’ts of a successful career

What you need to know:

  • Constantly self-improving yourself by learning something new and gaining a new skill is a stepping stone for career growth

We have all probably thought about what path we should take to grow in our careers and what we should do. While at it, it is also important to consider what we should not do.

We are all vulnerable to making mistakes in the workplace, irrespective of our career levels, but making them repeatedly could decrease your happiness with the job, yet these career mistakes are avoidable. It is often the aspects we ignore that cause the blunders that could have the biggest implications on our career path.

Learning from unexpected events and taking advice from other professionals is a great way to achieve a successful career.
You can better prepare to lead a successful career by learning what to avoid and what proactive steps to take. Identifying the pitfalls that could lie ahead will keep you on the right career path. Your career goals may entail snagging a promotion, getting a raise, or taking up a more fulfilling and stimulating job. You risk taking a step backwards if you become a victim of any career mistake.

Failure to improve yourself

Constantly self-improving yourself by learning something new and gaining a new skill is a stepping stone for career growth. The probability of lagging in this competitive job market if you do not have the required skills is high. When you learn a new skill, you will have a greater advantage over other competitors, which can easily blossom your career. This can be anything from attending seminars and conferences, and seeking help from a mentor in addition to taking up training programmes. 

Putting your career ahead of your life

It may seem like the best thing to do by dedicating most of your time to work that you end up forgetting you have a life out there. But when you spend a lot of your time at work, it becomes your priority. It is important to balance your work, personal life, and mental health as they are of extreme importance to your long-term health and happiness. Neglecting your social life could lead to a feeling of loneliness and depression, hence low productivity. Taking time off to rest and focusing on your family will help you rejuvenate and hit the ground running at your maximum when you return to work.

Not networking

Expanding your professional network is a necessity to grow and advance in your career. In this era, finding a job is mostly about whom you know. The advantage is that anyone can become a good network. All you need to do is to learn to socialise with people. Use social media platforms to connect with professionals on social media platforms like LinkedIn. Alternatively, you could attend events and meet other professionals from your field of interest.
Networking can help you land your dream job. So put yourself out there and get ready to be noticed by companies that are recruiting.

Burning bridges when leaving a job

It becomes tempting to cut off all contact with your previous bosses or colleagues, especially if you were spurned. In spite of the experience, be it bad or good, do not underestimate the value of keeping in contact with them. Life is about connections, and you never know when you might need the help or reference of your previous employer. Also, do not count out your colleagues as they can be good friends outside work. Do not let your superiors know that you dislike them, as they could be a good reference. If you are resigning, do so on good terms.