How to make a lasting impact in the world


They have a strong sense of purpose, value truth and knowledge, feel at one with the world, in charge of their lives, and focus on other people rather than themselves.

Photo credit: Samuel Muigai | Nation Media Group

We all have many needs. Some are completely fundamental and must be met before all the others. Air, food and water, for example.

But you also need to feel safe. To find love, and a sense of belonging. To have friends, a sweetheart, children. Recognition and status. To feel competent and successful.

Those needs developed as you grew up. So as a new-born you only sought after food, warmth and safety. But long before your second birthday you started to want attention and affection. As a teen you worried about fitting in with classmates, and as a young adult you started to focus on your achievements and self-esteem.

But there are people who go way further than those basic needs. Instead of striving for wealth, power or fame, they try to develop good judgement. And to respond positively to challenges and opportunities. They no longer fear failure, or the unknown, and accept the realities of life as they truly are.

They’re creative and independent, take responsibility for their mistakes, and are comfortable with who they really are.

Individual differences

They live life to the full, value individual differences, and are compassionate and kind. They develop a few deep relationships with family and close friends, rather than chasing after popularity and large numbers of casual acquaintances. They’re capable of great love, and show affection and warmth towards everyone.

They have a strong sense of purpose, value truth and knowledge, feel at one with the world, in charge of their lives, and focus on other people rather than themselves. People instinctively know that they’re different, admire their wisdom, and seek their advice.

They’re also very happy, and so it’s worth trying to be more like them. And although that sounds hard, it’s actually something you can achieve.

Start by reviewing your values and goals. Stop being driven by what’s fashionable, and instead start asking yourself how you might make all our lives better. You still need to make a living, of course, but gradually make your primary motivation helping other people. Not just your family, but friends, workmates, and everyone around you.

Car headlights

Get started straight away, because it’s your actions that will generate your enthusiasm, not the other way around. And because we all have it in us to make a difference, and to change the lives of the people around us for the better. You can begin in astonishingly simple ways. Like helping someone who’s shy get into a conversation at a party. Adjusting your car headlights correctly, so they don’t blind everyone else. Listening thoughtfully to someone who is having a hard time.

So take every opportunity to make life a little better for everyone you interact with. And don’t stop there. Be ambitious! Maybe you have it in you to be a leader? The best leaders start out by being inspired by what they can do for others. And so perhaps you could be part of the solution to the world’s problems?