Are you looking for a German Shepherd?

German Shepherd

German Shepherds are highly watchful and alert, they make good guard dogs. They also make good family dogs as they are gentle, social, playful and protective of their loved ones and their homes.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

While there are many breeds of dogs out there, German Shepherd is one of the most popular breeds among pet owners. This is because they are intelligent, curious, tireless and obedient.

They also make good family dogs as they are gentle, social, playful and protective of their loved ones and their homes. Because they are highly watchful and alert, they make good guard dogs. And when well-trained and exposed to children at an early age, they act as both companions and protectors.

German Shepherd dogs can also live with cats and other pets peacefully if they are introduced early-ideally when the puppy is around 10 weeks old. Introducing an adult German Shepherd to a family with other pets and children might require you to hire a professional trainer to help.

Socialise early

Training and socialising the German Shepherd dog early means it will grow into an adaptable and well-behaved adult. Since the breed is hard-working and intelligent, obedience training and constant rewards should give you excellent results.

The dog also requires a good amount of exercise as they are athletic and very active. Lack of enough physical activity will make the dog frustrated leading to negative and potentially destructive behaviour.

Their grooming is quite easy to keep up with. German Shepherds can be long-coated or have short coats. Long-haired ones require more grooming maintenance than the short-haired variety. The fur needs brushing about twice to thrice a week to remove the loose hair. They also need an occasional bath as well as trimming their nails often.

German Shepherd dogs have a healthy appetite and appreciate good food. Avoid giving table scraps as some of the food with spices and fats may cause stomach upsets. Apart from the meats, you can treat them to eggs, yoghurt and vegetables.

Finding a German Shepherd dog can be quite easy but be careful of puppy mills and internet scams that may sell you other breeds if you are not keen. German Shepherds are usually brown or black but may come with other colour combinations like black and tan, black and silver. Most of them have a distinguishable black mask marking their faces and many of them have black backs. They also have extended muzzles and have tall erect ears. These two traits are what you use to easily recognise a German Shepherd. Some will also have a sloped back.

Maryanne is a pet owner. [email protected]