Melvin Alusa: I will take Sh5 million to shave

Melvin Alusa, was Kenya’s last hope at the Big Brother reality show but he was evicted after just two weeks. PHOTO | NATION

What you need to know:

  • Melvin still can’t understand why he was kicked out though he has accepted and moved on.
  • Which group in Africa was I shouting about and sending shout outs to? It was Sauti Sol. I believe in their journey so far and they are representing Kenya.
  • And beating Davido with his machinery? I just heard about it when I came back though, and I felt left out, that’s a big thing.

BUZZ: Are you going to keep the beard and the dreads now that you’re off the show?

ALUSA: What do you think, it’s macho right? Have you ever seen anybody looking like this? The whole look is hard to keep and maintain but I will keep it. 

What did your wife say about it?

She’s the one who engineered this look! It’s taken me a year to grow it and she wanted me to be exciting and fresh. You know, I’m 34 so I don’t want to start looking like I’m an old guy. 

What if you get a movie role that requires you to shave it off?

I would shave it for a movie role or a commercial that requires me to shave it. The only thing that they would do is pay me Sh5 million. Not a pilot though, something guaranteed.

What are the words of advice your wife gave you as you were flying out to the Big Brother house in South Africa?

She hugged and squeezed me tight at the airport and said just go do your thing, be the exciting and loving guy that you are.

Be in the moment, be there and be who you are. But please for the sake of our marriage, and for me as a woman, if there’s a woman you like please don’t do anything in front of the camera.

So I asked her if I could do it with her off the camera. (Laughs) No, She just said go and behave yourself, but she blessed me.

What set you apart from the other housemates in the house?

Look guys, I’m telling you, I don’t know why I was evicted, but if you look at my style in the house it was unique.

Is that true or false? There was no one dressing like me with my vitenge shorts or my hair, there was no one as stylish as me.

I’m telling you Big Brother is crying in that diary room, he’s regretting what he did on Sunday. I felt I was one of those housemates who would go far in terms of bringing the title home.

I don’t know how it happened and I can’t explain it, to me it’s still a shocker.

I think people view East Africans more as a threat than potential competitors; we are an exciting and sharp people you know? We have an edge over all these other African countries. And Kenyans are at the top if you ask me.

Sauti Sol beat Diamond and Davido and clinched the nomination for Best African Act in the Europe MTV awards, what’s your take on it especially since you missed the initial news because you were in the Big Brother house?

What’s my take on that? Come on, what song did I sing when I was going into the house?

Which group in Africa was I shouting about and sending shout outs to? It was Sauti Sol. I believe in their journey so far and they are representing Kenya.

And beating Davido with his machinery? I just heard about it when I came back though, and I felt left out, that’s a big thing.

Are you just saying that because you’re brother Bien-Aime is in the group or do you believe in their talent?

He only has three brothers and even if you say it’s because he’s my brother people voted for them and they are not our brothers. I rest my case.

After Sabina left the house did you feel the pressure mounting as Kenyans were solely banking on you?

I felt it so much. I felt sad when she left and I felt the pressure as well. I was hoping Kenyans would finally have a chance with me to go like wow on the 7th.

Do you have any upcoming movies or projects lined up, have you gotten any calls?

Not yet, I flew in on Wednesday evening, but I’m sure by the end of the week there will be calls coming in, I’m sure. I want to continue with my acting and take it to a new level because I don’t just do any sort of acting. I’m a deep method actor. I want to expand my portfolio as well and go into radio and television presenting and producing.

Would you consider taking up a role in a television series considering you mostly do movies?

My preference is movies but you see they come once in a while and I have to keep working. The more you act the better you become, all over the world television series are becoming the in-thing.

Sauti Sol were at State House performing for the president during his birthday, are you expecting a call to the house on the hill?

Of course I do. First of all people don’t know this but Uhuru Kenyatta and I are tight, and I know I wasn’t supposed to go public about it but I’m in the moment.

We’ve been boys for a long time and I support him. I thank him for providing opportunities for the youth to do business in Kenya, I know he has faced a lot of challenges but he has handled them so well.

He’s young and fresh and I will vote for him with no worries at all. Have you seen the airport lately, it’s becoming modern.

What are his critics saying now? I think that whole family is just great. I love him, I used to wear that Kenyan band that he wears and I told guys my president wears this.

In my confession in the house I said he would call me to State House when I get back home, so may he call me soon.

Were you attracted to any of the female contestants in the house?

I was. I’m human. The housemates I found attractive in the house were Samantha, Mira and Hoitsi, they were the women I found beautiful, not necessarily in that order but I kept my distance.

What about Lillian?

She didn’t do it for me at all.

Will you be having your friends over from Big Brother to visit you?

Yes, Mr 265, Idris, the winner so he can give me my cut, Samantha, Goitse Martha, Frankie, Ella.