President William Ruto vows to stop Raila Odinga-led anti-govt demos

William Ruto

President William Ruto, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and other government officials in Isiolo County on July 20.2023.

Photo credit: PCS

President William Ruto has vowed to stop demonstrations called by Azimio La Umoja leader Raila Odinga by all means, saying he would not allow the opposition to destroy property and cause mayhem in the country.

The President also ruled out any negotiations with Mr Odinga, saying the elections were over and that Kenyans made a decision at the ballot that should be respected.

Dr Ruto said in the past elections, losers had taken advantage of jobless youth and incited them to cause chaos, adding that he would not allow violence to take root in the country.

He assured that his government was committed to protecting the lives of Kenyans and their properties. The President warned Mr Odinga not to plunge the country into chaos saying those causing mayhem and law breakers would be dealt with “firmly”.

“After every election those who lose cause chaos with the intention to get a share of the government but I will not allow that to happen this time round. I commend the police and other security agencies for ensuring that Kenyans’ security was guaranteed during the two days. We will make sure nobody interferes with the security of Kenyans. We will not allow them to destroy this country,” the President said.

“We will deal with them because Kenyans don’t want violence and as the President I will be in forefront of ensuring that we are safe. We cannot sabotage our security and peace because we have no other country,” he said.

He spoke at Ruiri when he commissioned the 24 kilometre road and Tutua in Buuri sub-county when he issued over 5,000 title deeds.

The president said his administration was committed to resolving the problem of land ownership and 100 valuers would be employed and posted in various parts of the country to ensure proper demarcation of land . He added that in Meru, 80,000 titles would be issued in Meru county.

Leaders present, including his deputy Rigathi Gachagua, Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen, Senate deputy speaker Kathuri Murungi, Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi among other leaders told the President they were fully behind him.

The leaders also castigated former Agriculture CS Peter Munya for leading protests in the county last week, saying they would not allow him to tarnish the name of the county that voted overwhelmingly for president Ruto.

Mr Gachagua asked Mr Odinga to give President Ruto time to deliver on his promises and if interested in the Presidency to wait until 2027 general elections.

“For the last two days when Azimio called for protests there were no demos in Mt Kenya region and we have decided that this region is solidly behind the President. Those who are being used to cause mayhem should keep off because we know their intention is to saw seeds of discord among the residents,” he said.

Mr Linturi said there was no room for negotiation with the opposition, adding that it would be unfair to Kenyans who voted in the August 2022 elections.