Shock as pupil dies by suicide over 'hot water' squabble

Crime scene tape

A pupil died by suicide following a domestic quarrel at Ndiambo village in Kirinyaga County.

Photo credit: File

A pupil on Wednesday died by suicide following a domestic quarrel at Ndiambo village in Kirinyaga County.

The Standard Seven girl was found hanging from the roof of the family house, with a rope round her neck.

According to  family members, the victim was unhappy when her mother stopped her from boiling water using a gas cooker.

The girl aged 12, then resorted to take her own life.

It was the victim's younger brother who discovered the body and alerted family members.

" I was shocked when I learnt of the death," the girl's grandmother said.

She said it was sad the life of the minor had been lost over an issue that would have been resolved.

Residents are still in shock following what transpired.

" We are yet to know why the school girl committed suicide," one of the residents said.

Mwea-East Police Commander Daniel Kitavi said the body was taken to Mwea Mission Hospital Mortuary.

" We have been told that the girl committed suicide after she differed with her mother over domestic issues, but we are yet to establish the truth of the matter," said Mr Kitavi. 

He asked parents to talk with their children ‘well’ to avoid such incidents.