Narok-Bomet Road accident: Survivors' accounts reveal details of deadly matatu crash

Pain and grief at Longisa County Referral Hospital mortuary after families identified the bodies of their loved ones killed in Saturday night's accident in Ratili area along the Narok-Bomet road.

Photo credit: Tobias Meso | Nation

The aftermath of Saturday night's accident in Ratili area along the Narok-Bomet road that claimed 11 lives was horrifying.

It was a scene straight out of a horror film.

In the space of a minute, several lives were snuffed out and about six other passengers were left with injuries.

Five survivors are in stable condition and are being treated at Narok and Longisa Regional Hospitals.

One is in a critical condition.

The Nation.Africa has established that eleven passengers succumbed to their injuries following the self-inflicted crash of the ill-fated Toyota Hiace matatu belonging to Narok Safaris shuttles Limited, which was ferrying passengers from Nairobi through Narok to Bomet.

The mangled wreckage of the vehicle, dark stains of spilt oil, broken glasses and pieces of rubber littered the stretch of busy road, a reminder of the terrible night for the families affected. 

"It was a terrible scene," said Mr Peter Rotich, who lost a relative.

What had been a normal evening of travel for passengers, some of whom were returning home from work, suddenly turned into a night of horror.

According to Narok County Police Commander Riko Ngare, the accident was caused by a burst tyre.

"The driver of the Narok Safaris shuttles Limited matatu, which was ferrying passengers from Narok to Bomet, lost control of the vehicle after a tyre burst and it veered off the road and rolled several times, killing the nine people on the spot," Mr Ngare told Nation.Africa

"The driver, eight adults; six males and two females died on the spot and a three-year-old child and two male adults who were among those rushed to Longisa Hospital also succumbed to their injuries," Mr Ngare revealed.

Police said six people are receiving treatment at Longisa County Referral Hospital where they were rushed for treatment.

A nurse at Longisa Hospital told Nation.Africa that two people who sustained serious multiple injuries are in critical condition.
"The two sustained multiple injuries to the head, chest and other parts of the body and we are trying our best but they are in a critical condition," the nurse revealed.

Nation.Africa established yesterday that the driver of the ill-fated matatu was speeding and overtaking before the gruesome accident.

It was learnt that the driver, who was carrying excess passengers, was speeding and had passed through about two police roadblocks and the traffic police manning the road allowed him to continue.

"The matatu was carrying more than 14 passengers and despite passing through about two police roadblocks, the driver was allowed to continue," said survivor Fred Kinyando, who is receiving treatment at Longisa Regional Hospital.

"I was travelling from Nairobi to Mulot and when we reached Ratili area, I heard a loud bang, I didn't know it was a tyre burst and the vehicle lost control...everything went black...and I only came to my senses later and found myself at the hospital," added Kinyando.

Another survivor, Nicholas Rono, said they travelled well until they reached Narok town, where the driver took on more passengers.

"We travelled well from Nairobi until we reached Narok town, the driver added more passengers along the way and when we passed Ololulunga the vehicle lost control, some of the passengers died while I was brought here," Mr Rono told Nation.Africa.

Eyewitnesses and survivors of the accident told Nation.Africa that the matatu driver could not control the vehicle because he was speeding and overtaking.

"The driver of the matatu was speeding and overtaking when the accident occurred, so he could not control the vehicle minutes before it collided with the bus," Rono further revealed. 

Nine bodies are at Longisa Hospital mortuary, while two male bodies have been transferred to Narok Referral Hospital. The extensively damaged car was towed to Ololulunga Police Station.