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Tiaty MP William Kamket threatens to sue Baringo Woman Rep for linking him to banditry

Tiaty MP William Kamket

Tiaty MP William Kamket has given Baringo Woman Rep Florence Jematia 48 hours to apologise over alleged defamatory remarks.

Photo credit: Pool I Nation Media Group

Tiaty MP William Kamket has threatened to sue Baringo Woman Rep Florence Jematia over alleged defamatory remarks.

 Ms Jematia allegedly made the utterances in a video that has  gone viral linking Mr Kamket to the banditry in Baringo region.

The MP has instructed his lawyers Gordon Ogolla, Kipkoech and Company advocates to write to Ms Jematia demanding an apology over the said defamatory statements.

According to the letter, Ms Jematia had on October 12, in a public gathering uttered statements which according to him were malicious and which subjected his character to question, public ridicule and condemnation.

Banditry menace

Through lawyer Kipkoech Ngetich, the legislator claims the said utterances suggested that he is the one responsible for the banditry menace in the troubled part of the Rift Valley.

Baringo Woman Rep Florence Jematia during a past function at Kabarnet Showground, Baringo County. Tiaty MP Willaim Kamket has accused her of uttering defamatory remarks linking him to banditry

Photo credit: Pool I Nation Media Group

“Your pronouncements have not only lowered our clients reputation but also destroyed him completely as an internationally renowned journalist, respected legislator, bastion for the rights of the minority  and marginalized, husband leader and father,” read part of the letter.

In the letter, Mr Kamket has given the Woman Rep 48 hours within which to publish an apology against the said slanderous remarks in the same manner and form in which the utterances were published.

Mr Kamket says he will institute legal proceedings against Ms Jematia for defamation, if she does not apologise.

The demand letter continued:  “Our firm and mandatory instructions are therefore to demand, which we hereby do, that you admit liability for the defamatory actions on your part after which we shall deliberate on the quantum of damages.”