Can your business be hacked when using top-notch computers but an ordinary connection? Here's a look at some quiz making traders think twice

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By Nation Reporter

A recent forum between representatives from Safaricom Business and investors from various local businesses saw attendants take a quiz touching on business and cybersecurity. 

It emerged that some traders were running firms with little knowledge on how hackers operate. Others think their enterprises are too small to be targeted.

How would you have fared? Attempt this quiz to find out: 

Question 1: You are running your business using the latest machines but with an unsecured connection. How likely are you to be hacked?

Question 2: How can you tell if your business is a victim of a cyberattack?

Question 3: What is the worst thing you think hackers can do to your business?

Question 4: How much, on average, do you think it will cost you to have a secure connection for your business?

Question 5: How big does a business need to be to deserve a fibre connection?

Following were the attendees’ responses:

Question 1: Machine vs vulnerability

Most of the traders thought that having computers from some of the renowned manufacturers was enough to save their businesses against cybercriminals. One of the answers was: “I have the latest machine. So, I think the chance of being hacked is remote, next to nil.” 

The answer is that as much as having the latest gadgets gives you an upper hand in the fight against cybercrooks, the type of connection matters. That is why they were told a business needs a connection that has firewall and domain content filtering capabilities.

“For absolute peace of mind, please use the Safaricom Business fibre package that comes with built-in security against malware and viruses,” said the trainer.

“We filter all traffic headed to you and eliminate malware, ransomware and viruses that compromise your systems. We block access to sites known to be unsafe or unsecure, and that means you always get clean internet,” she added.

Another magical element, she noted, is that it is possible to ensure the connection is used as productively as possible because it can be set to be used for business purposes only.

“Application filtering and VPN services are provided at no extra charge,” the trainer noted.

 Question 2: Signs of hacking 

There was pretty good knowledge in the entrepreneurs’ group about how to recognise hacking. These are some of the signs to look out for:

  • Slow internet speeds 
  • Files disappearing 
  • Strange content popping up unexpectedly
  • All browsers suddenly leading to the same site 
  • Strange software across all computers in your business
  • Unauthorised emails sent from your account.

Question 3: Consequences of hacking 

The group had a number of ideas on what hackers can do. Some mentioned theft of passwords, siphoning of money from accounts, swindling customers, to mention but a few.

Said the educator: “At best, malware slows down your computer. At worst, you get locked out. All your files disappear and the hackers demand money from you. For businesses transacting online, the risk is greater and often results in financial loss.”

She added that hackers can also access data relating to employees or customers and circulate it on the dark web and in hackers’ groups. 

“This data, usually credit card information, may be sold to the highest bidder who will seek the highest return. No one connected to your business is safe unless you make sure you are safe,” said the trainer.

Cyber attacks on Kenyan government and private platforms have been on the rise.  The attacks have seen small business owners asked to cough up steep amounts of cash to regain access to their business systems. They have seen some hotels being told to pay a lot of money to regain access to their CCTVs, room access, and booking data. They have also seen some Saccos mysteriously losing members’ funds. Also, some small supermarket chains have been locked out of their systems, not able to serve clients, or losing track of their stock records. 

At the forum, it emerged that a lot of businesspeople don’t know how exposed they are.

“Entrepreneurs just want to run their businesses and be as successful as possible. However, success makes them a bigger target among hackers and malicious players. They need a partner that can focus on their safety as they focus on growing their business,” said the Safaricom Business trainer.

The forum also heard that a fibre connection from Safaricom Business supports the installation of virtual private networks (VPNs), which provide an extra layer of privacy when needed.

Question 4: Cost of a secure connection 

On the question of how much it costs to have a secure internet, most traders quoted figures starting from Ksh5,000. 

However, they were informed, a small business can get a secure fibre connection for only as little as Ksh3,000 a month from Safaricom Business. This is the cheapest firewall-added enabled internet service offering from Safaricom Business. It grants speeds of up to 10mbps, and which is ideal for a business with one to five users. This package comes with a free router.

A business of five to 10 users can take the next package that costs ksh4,000 a month for speeds of up to 15mbps. This also comes with a free outer, anti-virus and anti-malware protection, filtering of domain names, among others.

The next package that costs Ksh4,500 is ideal for businesses with 10 to 15 users, with speeds of up to 20mbps. It comes with the handy security features in the other packages above.

All services indicated above include an integrated next-generation firewall service, anti-virus, anti-malware protection, content and application filtering capabilities, a free router, dedicated support, free set up, among others.

Many in attendance were in agreement that this is a pocket-friendly way to run a business securely.

“Any size of business can afford the solution,” said the Safaricom Business trainer. “In the last few years, we have built a reputation for having the most reliable fibre connection in the country. You can never go wrong with Safaricom Business fibre.” 

The trainer also noted that there is a capable support team available round the clock to advise clients on how to make the most of their secure connection.

“It is no coincidence that Safaricom Fibre for Business has been ranked the most reliable business fibre internet connection for several years now,” the trainer noted.

Question 5: Business size versus fibre connection

Most respondents in the session felt that a company needs to have gone numerous steps up the turnover ladder to deserve an internet connection. However, the trainer said any business, whether it has one employee or more, will tick when it works with Safaricom Business.

“Safaricom Business is a one-stop shop for business tech needs. Through extensive developer teams and partner networks, it provides any solution that customers may require,” the trainer said. “Calling packages, internet-of-things, SMS solutions, bulk top-up, productivity solutions, among others, are easy for you once you have Safaricom Business on your side.”

Do you need a secure connection for your business? Click here to reach Safaricom Business and begin the journey.