Fifth Columnist: Moral midgets who tyrannise the rest of humankind

Former US President George W. Bush speaks after a meeting with former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (left) at the State Department in Washington March 24, 2008. 

Photo credit: File

After I urged Western diplomats to stop treating African leaders like children, a Kenyan replied that, since African leaders “behave like children”, they should be treated like children. I agree that African leaders are delinquent and unreliable — people who dash to the “donor community” to plead for “development aid” right after they have looted our treasuries! 

But how can Albert Schweitzer’s scions claim from any moral and intellectual Ararat that they are black people’s “elder brothers”?

Westerners themselves have recently churned out books describing the incredible quagmire in which Anglo-Saxon thought leadership is choking. Here’s a brief reading list:

  • Greg Palast — The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: The Truth About Corporate Cons, Globalisation, and High-Finance Fraudsters;
  • Amy Goodman — The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers and the Media That Love Them;
  • Kevin Phillips — American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush;
  • Noam Chomsky — Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance; and
  • Noreena Hertz — The Silent Takeover: Global Capitalism and the Death of Democracy.

It is a tight collusion between Big Government, Big Business, Big Media and Big Church to force the entire world under the thumb of Pat Robertson’s America.

Certain individuals — Like Mr (George W) Bush — have tight control over the government, the oil industry, nuclear generation, the military-industrial complex and the CIA.

The strategy is to capture the world’s mind through intensified propaganda; to bribe Third World leaders into mortgaging away all their national resources.

Elaborate handpicking — alias “democratic elections” — follows every invasion. Back home, the media appease the mass with the constant song about “freedom and democracy” being what impelled Uncle Sam into murdering lakhs of Iraqi children.

A tissue of lies pervades all this — often as crude as the ones Mr Bush and Mr (Tony) Blair told concerning Saddam’s (Hussein) “weapons of mass destruction” (WMD) — which, where they existed, had been supplied by Bush-(Dick) Cheney-

(Donald) Rumsfeld- (Condoleezza) Rice Inc — with Arbusto, Enron, Chevron and Bechtel in the background.

As Saddam, Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar know, treachery of Third World allies no longer considered useful is habitual. It was the CIA that trained the terrorists in terror skills. But, in those days, Soviet “communism” was the target.

These terrorists turned against the US only because, with the Soviet collapse, they no longer seemed useful. The US had unilaterally stopped lavishing Osama’s family with greenbacks and Osama himself with rockets.

The “anti-terror” war, then, is a war on Frankenstein’s monster — a futuristic machine angered into ferocious murderousness against its creator.

This radical evil is the tap-root of all world corruption. The African elite’s venality is but a pallid semblance of that incredibly avaricious individual who has terrorized Europe’s own mind ever since Luther, Calvin, Zwingli and Wesley unleashed him on that continent. If the (Mwai) Kibaki Government is linked to Anglo Leasing, note its name. It isn’t called “Afro Leasing” or “Kenya Leasing”.

It tells you exactly where the epicentre of that njama lies.

Thus if official corruption is what endangers national credibility — as US envoy Michael Rannenberger alleges — then the envoy has his work cut out for him — not here, but in the White House. His is a typical example of the Western habit of fobbing off to its victims the responsibility for all the ills which the North Atlantic continues to inflict upon humankind.

For 500 years, Western Europe has forced the world’s mind into Western Europe’s own straitjacket of thought about “the free world” — freedom to plunder, tyrannise and dope.

If we are children, it is because of our protracted mental surrender. That is why we — the world — continue to pay heed to daily sermons by such moral and intellectual Lilliputians as Bush and Blair.

Fifth Columnist Files is a series that republishes archived articles from veteran journalist Philip Ochieng’s long-running Sunday Nation column