We need passports to take jobs abroad

Nyayo House

People enter Immigration offices at Nyayo House. There are reports that no passports are being printed due to a shortage of passport booklets.

Photo credit: Wilfred Nyangaresi | Nation Media Group

Passport crisis• The same government that claims to be looking for opportunities for Kenyans to work abroad is also hampering the process, says George Mburu, on the difficulty in obtaining passports.

“We need this travel document to go and look for those jobs abroad. With passports not being issued on time, the dream of exporting labour will not be realised.”

His contact is [email protected].


Take note• Can anyone explain to Kamau Kaniaru the roles of the Community Health Promoters in the Ministry of Health and Community Health Volunteers of Amref Health Africa?

"The latter has invited tenders for the printing of Community Health Volunteers' daily activity registers (Regulation MoH 648). Who is running the ministry, the government or Amref Africa?

His contact is [email protected].


Walk the talk• Corruption, the greatest threat to economic development, is being sanitised by leaders, says David Yator.

"President William Ruto should walk the talk on the elephant in the room by firing those frustrating service provision. As the Education CS in 2016, Dr Fred Matiang'i set a precedent by cleaning up the Kenya National Examinations Council."

His contact is [email protected].


Release funds• Delays in disbursing the Higher Education Loans Board (Helb) funds are giving students sleepless nights, says Amos Kiprono.

“As a result, they are being harassed by landlords and cannot pay for basic needs, including food. We. therefore, can’t concentrate on our studies. The processing should be fast-tracked. Whenever we log into the portal, we find nil balance.”

 His contact is [email protected].


Stop femicide• Stop killing women, says G.K. Birya.

“Even if someone is a sex worker that doesn't give anyone the right to kill! They are basically saying that punishment for ‘immorality’" is death? Only God takes life. The problem is not sex work, or how do you explain women being killed by their husbands or boyfriends in their homes? No one deserves such death.”

Birya’s contact is [email protected].

Have a living day, won’t you!