Traffic police, NTSA should not use fatal road accidents as motivation to be effective

NTSA Roadblock

A roadblock mounted by traffic police officers in conjunction with the National Transport and Safety Authority along Langata Road, Nairobi.

Photo credit: Courtesy

Safety • In a belated response to the increasing fatal road accidents, traffic police and NTSA are now displaying their might by mounting numerous checkpoints, says Eliab Otiato.

“They’re busy doing what they’re supposed to have done some time back instead of waiting until people are killed. But why flag down more than 20 motor vehicles at a time, delaying travellers?”

His contact is [email protected].


Speed • A word of advice from Mwangi wa Karuga for the excitable and reckless youthful drivers!

Says he: “You, young car owners should know that overtaking to impress or boost your own ego can be very dangerous. Take your time before overtaking. Speed thrills, but it also kills. A car is not a toy. The consequences can be quite painful and fatal.”

His contact is [email protected].


Grabbers • Wajir Pioneer Stadium, which was built in the early 1970s is under threat from land grabbers, warns Ahmed Somow Ahmed.

“It was the only recreational centre in Wajir Town, where football teams, the Eleven Brothers, Alfatah, and Mwangaza, would hone their skills and entertain locals. The stadium is a landmark that must be preserved for posterity.”

His contact is [email protected].


Bouquets • As the end of the year approaches, Ruth Gituma says it’s time to dish out barbs and bouquets again.

“My bouquet goes to Watchie for diligently highlighting our concerns even as he or she remains faceless. But my biggest barb goes to the government for its rampant roadside declarations, the latest being the abolition of visas that we might later regret.”

Her contact [email protected].


Legacy • Is a national leader’s legacy more important than the people’s welfare? asks Jim Webo. He’s particularly amused at President William Ruto’s vow during a media session, to push through his affordable housing scheme and other harsh policies, whether the people like it or not.

“He keeps asking Kenyans to sacrifice now for future benefits. Why can’t he also shelve his lofty plans for now?”

Have a realistic day, won’t you!