Most county government staff beneficiaries of nepotism, cronyism


Most employees of county governments are often recruited on the basis of nepotism and cronyism, remarks John Mukiri. 

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Nepotism • Most employees of county governments are often recruited on the basis of nepotism and cronyism, remarks John Mukiri. “Diligence, qualifications or experience are rarely ever considered. You will find most of them working as parking attendants or market rate collectors. ” This, he concludes, is very much the case even in his home county of Kiambu. His contact is [email protected]


Historical pothole • Kiambu resident Peter John wishes to urgently bring new Governor Kimani Wamatangi’s attention to the sorry state of the main road that passes through the busy Ndumberi Trading Centre. “You’ve inherited a big muddy pothole from your two predecessors, who knew about it but failed to do something about it. Please, get this pothole backfilled.” His contact is [email protected]


Medical cover • NHIF member Abraham Ndung’u is alarmed that patients’ requests for CT scans and X-rays are being routinely declined by the Fund. His doctor requested an abdominal CT scan, which was rejected. The explanation he got was that it was “not within the scope of the cover”. He wonders whether Kenyans will soon have to pay for universal health coverage. His contact is [email protected]


Crowding • The passengers’ lounge at Wilson Airport, Nairobi, is too tiny and inconvenient for travellers, says Kanyi Gioko. “It often gets very crowded. Kenya Airports Authority should either expand the facility or reschedule flights to avoid overcrowding, now that the Covid-19 travel restrictions have been lifted. Wishing safe travel to all Kenyans and happy holidays!” His contact [email protected]


Driving licence • Why the new smart driving licences should have expiry dates is something Willis O. Aguko simply can’t understand. He poses: “Is it really necessary? How can one licence holder have two different expiry dates—one on the licence and the other online? What do we show a traffic police officer if asked? The expiry dates should not be there.” His contact is [email protected].

Have a perfect day, won’t you!