Media's role as watchdogs shouldn't be undermined

Trade Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria

Trade Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria. What comes to Robert Mukirae’s mind about CS Kuria’s vulgar attack on the Nation is French Philosopher Voltaire’s famous quote, “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”.

Photo credit: Dennis Onsongo | Nation Media Group

Media freedom • What comes to Robert Mukirae’s mind about Trade CS Moses Kuria’s vulgar attack on the Nation is French Philosopher Voltaire’s famous quote, “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”. While acknowledging some bias and errors, Robert finds the media to be watchdogs on errant leaders. “Kudos Nation!” His contact is [email protected].


Danger • Watching President William Ruto and his deputy, Rigathi Gachagua, addressing a public rally in Githunguri and “condemning local MP Gathoni wa Muchomba for voting against the Finance Bill 2023 was chilling”, remarks Prof Sam Chege. “It reminded me of the days of the Kanu dictatorship, which is now re-emerging. We must never go down that path again.” His contact is [email protected].


Tax law • As the government’s employers, the people should be fully involved in making major decisions affecting their lives, says Jane Mwihaki Kihiu. “The Finance Bill 2023 should have been broken down for Kenyans, who have been manipulated to accept or oppose it. The cost of living may be worsened by it but it may also have some long-term benefits.” Her contact is [email protected].


Desperation • Pending bills could become a monster if not handled well, Victor King’ori cautions. “Almost every ministry and county government has this burden on its shoulders that runs into billions of shillings. It’s a pity that the national and county governments have left suppliers and contractors and other players in a state of desperation.” His contact is [email protected].


Awakening • There is “a need for an African renaissance or a new awakening”, says Brian Maitai. “Look at the treatment of African migrants overseas and the sheer disrespect shown by Russia to South African President Cyril Ramaphosa’s peace delegation. We need to invest in innovations, industrialisation, mechanisation, irrigation, and mineral value addition.” His contact is [email protected].

Have a confident day, won’t you!